Title: In The Night [3/?]
wanderinghope //
ipickquinnPairing/Character(s): Finn/Quinn
Rating: PG [for now?]
Word Count: 618
Spoilers: Through Ballads.
Summary: A series of nights at the Hudson household.
AN: Again, not set at night, but we’ll be back there soon. Probably chapter 5.
P.S. I don’t have a beta reader so if anyone is interested let me know!
Previous chapters:
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 At school that day the kids of Glee noticed there was something different about Finn and Quinn. Even Brittany, the least observant of the group, could tell something had changed between them.
Finn seemed even more distracted than usual and had an ever-present idiotic smile on his face. Quinn was the less obvious of the two, but she had always been better at masking her feelings. Finn was practically an open book.
Finn was feeling great, which was a huge contrast from how he had been feeling lately. All the stress of Quinn’s pregnancy, paying doctor’s bills, and dealing with the fact that his own stupidity is what got Quinn booted from her house and hated by her parents had really been getting him down. He knew he was doing the right thing by sticking by his pregnant girlfriend, and truly believed that it was better for the truth to be out in the open rather than waiting in fear for something to slip by accident and get into even more trouble. Despite knowing he was doing everything he could to make things right regarding their situation, it was a lot of pressure for a teenager.
But last night had made him realize that it was all worth it. For the second time since they began dating, Finn felt that he was really connected with Quinn. The first had been when he went to her 10-week ultrasound and held her hand as the doctor told them they would be having a daughter. Finn didn’t view himself as a particularly sentimental guy, but this was his family for crying out loud, therefore he thought this was an acceptable thing to be sappy about. Last night he hadn’t felt like the stupid Finn who was always doing or saying the wrong thing to his girlfriend, he had been the one to comfort her, and hold her as she slept. He felt needed and wanted, and it felt good. So, yeah, he had an extra hop in his step that day, but could you blame him?
As Puck saw his best friend swagger down the hall, he smirked. Quinn must have finally decided to put out. That must be the reason Finn was in such a good mood. After all, sex was like a wonder drug. It made everything better. After having sex with a cougar Puck’s mood was always brightened for several days. He rarely even slushied people because he was in such a good mood. Lucky bastard, Puck thought. Finn had it made with his pregnant girlfriend living with him. It’s not like she could get knocked up again so there was no reason for her to not have sex, and he knew Finn’s mom worked a lot so they had plenty of alone time. Puck then wondered if he was calling Finn a lucky bastard because he had the chance to have unlimited sex or because it was with Quinn. He tried to shake the thought out of his mind because he knew Quinn would always choose Finn. So he was better with the cougars. Speaking of, he was in a bad mood now after thinking about all this so he’d need to get laid soon.
AN: The next chapter involves a lot of angsty!Quinn… I’m not sure how I feel about it just yet. I need to rework it some more before I decide if I’m going to post it or not. But hopefully I’ll have something up within a day or two. Anyways, thanks for reading.