It's been a while..

Mar 27, 2008 21:16

"When I finally fall asleep, I dream a lot, seeing pictures of that man Jack's face flickering on my brain in quick sequence like home movies on a screen. Jack Jack Jack. I dream we are in a palace with pink-veined marble walls and far-away ceilings. Some people are seated at a big table that is covered with wreaths of flowers and candles. They are feasting on animals and wines and liqueurs and flaming cakes and the woman at the head of the table wears a veil. Jack, in a Mad-Hatter oversized top hat, takes my hand. We roll down the pink hallways, as if our feet are roller skates, while bubbles turn to flowers to birds to stars in the air around us."

"I feel like one of those people in a movie I saw on TV once with my father where all the people's blood dries up like chalk and sometimes I feel like that, like one of those bloodless people. Sometimes I think about that movie and I remember how my father said he wondered what kind of a mind made up a disease like that and I think that no one could have imagined a disease like the one now, the way people are dying now, dying as their blood mingles."

favorite books, anyone? favorite quotes or authors? this isn't just some thing; i really want to know.
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