The man in front of her was just disgusting, Sarah thought. Oh, she knew that some people had glandular problems or metabolism problems or things like that; but this guy was truly, excessively, fat. She just couldn't believe that he could have got that way without being at least partly responsible for it. He may have gland problems, but she bet his freezer was full of tubs of half-eaten ice cream.
Sarah cast a disapproving glance across the other people standing in line with her. The man behind her seemed clean-cut enough, but he was black and she secretly suspected that all black people were plotting to overthrow the government and setup a system where old, white women did not get pensions and Medicare. The black man's hands looked soft, too. He probably didn't even work and just sat back and collected his welfare.
Behind the black man she could see a long-haired woman in a purple shirt and blue jeans. Sarah did not understand why young people today could not have the decency to dress better at public events like this political debate. She peered a bit closer and decided the hippy wasn't even wearing a bra.
The black man coughed meaningfully in Sarah's direction and she sniffed and turned around to see the fat man was being led off to the side. She was glad. She hoped they were telling him he was too fat to be let in. He probably wouldn't fit in the seats, now that she thought of it. She stepped up to the gate and a female security guard greeted her. The security guard was black, probably some conspiracy between her and the man behind, Sarah thought. His cough was probably some signal.
Sarah looked up into the black woman's face and handed over her ticket. She thought the black woman had a sort of man-ish attitude. Probably a dyke; why else would she be working a man's job like this? The guard asked to see Sarah's purse.
"What? Why? I will not!" Sarah sputtered. What the hell did this young, black, dyke want with her purse? This was outrageous. the guard was trying to make some excuse about having to search everyone, but Sarah wasn't listening. She was launching into a tirade about personal freedoms and illegal searches and seizures.
After all, this was America, wasn't it? What kind of country would we be if we had to search old ladies' handbags? In any case, what could she possibly have in her purse that would make her dangerous? She was completely outraged that she should be asked to face such a violation of her basic rights at a political debate, of all places. Here she was, a card-carrying Democrat for 68 years and they were all but accusing her of wanting to blow up the nominees.
Sarah was really winding up; but the dyke kept interrupting her with sarcastic comments about how she was just doing her job and how Sarah was welcome to not be searched and not enter the auditorium. Sarah was not having any of it and moved on to the founding fathers and their vision for a free nation. She even remembered to quote Benjamin Franklin about people who are willing to give up liberty to gain security deserving neither.
Right about at that point, the guard made a grab for her purse. Sarah yanked her handbag back and then swung it up and tried to whack the guard. The guard stepped back. Sarah was thrown off balance by this and her purse flew up out of her hand, dumping the entire contents out on the ground inside the gate. She was furious and glowered up at the black woman. She could tell the guard was laughing at her quietly as she got down to her knees to fetch her belongings.
Once she'd retrieved everything and got it stowed back into her purse, Sarah stood and faced the security guard. That dyke was smirking at her as she stepped aside and told Sarah she was welcome to enter the auditorium now and invited her to enjoy the debate.