So, we're watching
Lisa and the Devil, right? It's a Mario Bava horror number with a moderate amount of the kind of gore and nudity you expect from Italian "exploitation" films of the era.
Only, actually, we just finished watching that and now we're watching House of Exorcism, which is Lisa and the Devil only the studio didn't like how it didn't make any money so they got another director and filmed some more footage and wrapped the original movie in this weird 'it's all demonic possession actually' thing and spiced it up with even more nudity and gratuitously shocking violent and supernatural ends and the like.
So, you know, we've had a while to look at the main character's outfit. There's a picture of it to the right there, and here's a link to a front view which was too big to stick on my LJ:
front view And something like this transpires:
me: Even in the 70s where do you get a blazer and matching shoes in that color?
him: With our without the clashing skirt?
me: I don't even know what color I'd call that. But the skirt doesn't really clash; it just doesn't match.
him: Of course, it's not really a blazer.
me: Well, jacket. Whatever.
him: Well, if it were a little longer, it'd be a lab coat. And then its color would be Sherbert West.