Earlier, some beer swirled inside my mouth, back over the hole where my wisdom tooth used to live. I winced instinctively before I realized that it didn't even hurt! It was all the exposed tooth guts that were sensitive, and now that it's gone I'm not super temperature sensitive back there any more. Later on I took a deep breath with my mouth wide open- tryna look cool, y'know- and the same thing happened, I winced, expecting the cold air to hurt my sensitive little fucked up tooth, but there was no pain at all. So I took more wide-mouthed deep breaths, walking to the bodega. Which nobody in California calls a bodega, although I guess we've talked about that already.
I looked pretty cool, walkin up Market making air-hog faces.
Man! Getting wisdom teeth out RULZ! You get a dozen vicodins, a day off work, and less mouth pain. I was actually pretty stoked for my face to swell up- there is a message board on which I try not to post a hundred times a day, but upon which I tend to post a lot anyway, and I was talking about how I wanted my face to swell up hilariously but somebody responded about how I shouldn't say that because they got their wisdom teeth out and their face swelled up and then the rest of their head swelled up and then they couldn't swallow and they had to have a spittoon with them at all times for a week and I was like "uh, I didn't want any of those things, I just wanted my face to swell up," not to tell a story about something that happened on a messageboard you don't read, a more boring thing than even relating something that happened on TV- but there were totally, totally minimal barely even any complications at all. I've been so freaked out about going to see dentists for so long, but I think I've found the perfect genius. He's like "you will feel pushing and pulling and pressure, but if you feel any sharp pain at all, I want you to totally flip out," more or less. Fuck yes to the dentist! I'm so stoked to move 3,000 miles away in three months and never see him again.
I got all these
Kevin Killian (that link takes you directly to a picture of a penis- well, a whole naked guy with a penis; actually, it looks like Kevin Killian's whole website is just basically a naked picture of him that says "happy birthday" and a link to his Amazon reviews project, which is pretty amazing, and which I learned about from reading Dodie Bellamy) and
Dodie Bellamy books today. I feel pretty stoked about that. If I could shut the fuck up and actually accept recommendations about things from people, maybe I would have learned about the amazing history of queer San Francisco writers [I'm not friends with] in the last thirty years, but since I don't really listen to anyone ever, I am only now finally getting ahold of books by folks like these, largely from
Small Press Distribution. I'm so stoked to move 3,000 miles away in three months and never see SPD again.
I drank too much beer and ate too much Doritos, obviously. GOOD NIGHT.