Monday nights are a total wash for me, now. DAMMIT.

Sep 25, 2006 22:53

Still haven't seen last week's, thanks to the nightmarish computer woes. Which means I missed Michael doing the T-Bag Voice. DAMMIT. (I *did* see the last 15 minutes, but that's it.)

Previously: what kind of morons leave a treasure map alone with a revenge-driven sociopath whose formerly-severed hand is rotting off while he's in the trunk of a car? ...One day, I hope that'll be a rhetorical question.

I bet if you trace Michael's initial facial expression throughout this season, it's a flipbook of a guy who's slowly losing his shit the deeper we get into the season.

"And you gonna find it how?" Structural engineer! Engineering! Granted, what *I* know about engineering you could keep in a thimble, but still. Seriously, he figured it out from trees.

"I don't wanna hear anything out of your mouth..." Dear Paul Scheuring: I don't know if it was in the script that Michael should just snap, but if it was, you are getting a fruit basket from the entire internet, and possibly a pony. HI YES PLEASE.

(Keep in mind, this is from Michael, who didn't snap when Abruzzi cut two of his toes off with pinking shears, or when he got burned by steam pipes, but he's snapped twice in three weeks, complete with the Outdoor Voice.)

Michael being dismissive about the quality of the subdivision! He used to do this for a living! You know he's sitting there, all "...oh my God, did they even meet safety regs?" and looking horrified.

"I got an idea." Lincoln, no! We have established that you are, perhaps, *not* the one in the Burrows/Scofield shared gene pool who should be having ideas!

Any other time and place, I'd be calling bullshit at Sucre being the one to stop and pick up C-Note. But it's Prison Break, which told us that you can dig a hole through a wall with an eggbeater, so let's not anyone look surprised, okay?

Dude, Kellerman is getting sort of twitchy. He's losing favor with President Wettig! Mostly because Patricia Wettig is on another show and won't be on again 'til mid-season, but still! And as we all know, when ridiculously smart guys on this show get twitchy, it gets AWESOME.

Oh, Bill. I'm not gonna care long enough to learn your last name. Did you not meet the last guy who tried to say he was Kellerman's boss? That guy's dead in a well, Bill. Do *you* want to be dead in a well?

I don't hate Tweener, but he's still so green you can smell new car on him, you know? He's younger than me, for god's sake. And he's not a bad guy -- dude, he's not T-Bag -- but you just...I'd pay good money to see someone sit him down and explain exactly *how* he's being an asshat, and to kindly tell him not to do that again, 'kay? And then smack him upside the head 'til he learns. Like shock treatments, but with less voltage and more smacking.

I would have said that Sara's dad didn't know much, and that he was perfectly okay with that -- he's safe either way: if the Conspiracy wins, he's VP for at least one term, which he'd be fine with, and if the Conspiracy gets toppled, he can point and say, "Oh, THAT? I had no idea they were doing all THAT." Plausible deniability -- but then he had to go and warn Sara, and you can almost see the bullseye on his forehead, can't you? I don't know that I want him dead anymore, but I would be perfectly okay with him going to jail. This is all, of course, dependent on A) Sara suddenly learning how to lie without sucking at it, and B) Mr. Tancredi *not* speaking on an open line, because apparently the audience are the only people who have ever heard of a little thing I like to call "basic fucking operational knowledge that I caged from movies over the years."

Tweener, if possible, is a worse liar than Michael. Verbally he's okay, but his body language sucks.

How is watching Mahone doing long division hot? I would like to reiterate that at some point, Paul, if you could work in Bill and Wentworth fighting in the rain, screaming at each other, and using large words, I will personally send you a check.

Note to writing staff: I do not ever, ever, EVER again need to see T-Bag hitting on a bored, wealthy housewife in a subdivision in the middle of Utah. I can kind of see the appeal, from her perspective -- he's got that weirdly intense thing going on, and the bleached-blond thing kind of works for him, and oh my GOD I am going to hell just for SAYING THAT -- but we, as the audience, know he has a taste for raping and murdering women, and that said, lady, you did NOT just turn down A SERIAL KILLER. That DOES NOT BODE WELL. FOR YOU.

Seriously! Human flipbook of "I did not plan this!" If Fox doesn't nominate Wentworth for something next year, it is a frigging crime against nature.

I want a fandom for this show, and I want it RIGHT NOW.

Seriously! I want there to be a full season under its belt so I know where it’s going and don’t hare off and start pairing people up before I know what the hell is going on. I want to know exactly what eclipses have to do with people developing mutations, and which one of them is Patient Zero, and who’s behind the conspiracy, and everything.

I want to know about Niki, and exactly how a single mom who camwhores to make money is “suppressed” enough to have her shadow side come out in a mirror; and Micah, who is ten kinds of whip-smart and sort of jaded already, but who loves his mom to death. And whether or not it’s genetic. (Also, Ali Larter is hot. Not that I didn’t know that already, but WOW.)

I want to know about Peter, who’s the grown-up version of that kid who used to stare off during economics, who somehow channels his need to help people into the ability to fly - to fly, which isn’t terribly offensive at all, because it’s not like he has laser vision or super-strength or whatever; and Nathan, who’s already three-quarters Sean Patrick Flannery on The Dead Zone in my head, and I love me some Adrian Pasdar but you can kind of already tell that he’s keyed in to the apocalypse, you know?

I want to know about Mohinder, who is what happens when Professor Xavier is younger, Indian, and drives a cab; and Isaac, who can only block out the future through the cunning use of heroin, and even that is kind of iffy; and Claire, who absolutely does NOT want to be special even remotely, who’s stuck with an upper-class family of dweebs and one of the most interesting powers ever but all she wants is to be a cheerleader and go to a decent college, maybe join a sorority; and Hiro, who is wee and excitable and AWESOME in the way that only short Japanese salarymen with tiny Godzilla statues on their desks can be. (He looks like the guy from Train Man! He namechecks Spock! I sort of want to marry him!)

If NBC cancels this like they did Surface, I will punch everyone at the network in the FACE.

prison break, heroes

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