Yes, but what about the weeks you *suck*, Santino? (Project Runway spoilers)

Jan 12, 2006 20:19

Is it just me, or did anyone else want Nick and Santino to be eliminated just so Daniel V. and Andrae could have the suite to themselves and finally get down? That’s just me, right?

I mean, not that I want Nick eliminated, because I love Nick. I honestly want Nick to be one of the final three, and I think he’s good enough to get there. But Santino - Jesus Christ, Santino is what happens when you take the irritation of Wendy Pepper and smush it in with Kara Saun’s talent and final-episode arrogance. And give him hippie hair. Seriously, HAAAATE.

But just. Yes. Andrae and his little shorts, and he’s being less of that guy who burst into a fit of weeping the second week, and the more I see of Daniel the more I *love* him, and God, if I write this SOMEONE SHOOT ME.

projet runway

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