Mar 30, 2005 09:23

That's just what I'm gonna start calling it every time I blather about House: "OMG daddy issues". Like "OMGWTFPOLARBEAR", but with less polar bear.

I...can't speak to the A plot so much, because part of it seems like a cheat that the POTW was heavy because of a medical condition, and a week later, bam! she was fine. That's a band-aid, really, and I hate those. I hate those, because it's not like Chase was *wrong*, but Cameron and Foreman weren't wrong either and GAAAAH can't I just watch TV without *thinking* things? Stupid show. And I can't talk about House, because the man cannot do wrong, to me. I am shallow and desperate in my love, yes, but. SNEAKERS. Goddamn, Cameron, maybe I want to punch you in the kidneys, but I GET IT. Yow.

"Separate or together?" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


The B-plot. Ohhhh, the B-plot.

I - you know, if you'd told me when I started watching this show that I would love Foreman and want him to stay forever and ever, I'd have told you you were stoned. But now it's all love love LOVE, because while he doesn't *like* House, he *respects* the man, and you know what? House *likes that.* He doesn't need people to like him; he's almost uncomfortable around it, except for Wilson, and I think if he knew, he'd be fine with it. Because Foreman's up front about it, you know?

I could have beat Chase's ass with a stick last night, and not in a sexy way, either. Dude, *why* are you being Benedict Arnold, Australian Edition? I cannot figure it out for the life of me, because right now his dad's still alive, and he doesn't know House knows, and - dude, *what*? Was it because House outed your daddy issues? Because I want to love you and I think you're pretty, but you keep this shit up and I will start hoping you get vasculitis, jackass.

Cameron. I want to like you, I really do. And while I think it's naive of you to be all "we should love people for who they are, not what they look like", it's a nice sentiment. (Just as nice: Chase's little dig about "oh, yeah, you weight 90 pounds because it's *healthy*.) But as soon as you played the "you don't want to fire me because you have feelings for me" card with House, I stopped beating Chase with the stick and started eyeing you, okay? What the fuck? No, really, what the fuck? That is - that is grossly unprofessional, is what it is, and my eyes rolled so hard they almost got stuck, and OMG DADDY ISSUES.

(Also didn't love House not answering her about that, because hi, writers? The man *doesn't like people*. I do not see even the slightest spark there, and if you try to het up this show because someone on the writing staff got on the internets and found out we love the House/Wilson, I will drive to David Shore's house and break out the stick.)

As *soon* as Cuddy said "great! We can save money *and* keep all the doctors", I knew Vogler wasn't going to go for it. Because the man's an asshole with control issues - oh, wow, big surprise there - and of *course* he wouldn't want Chase fired, because Chase has been blowing him for, like, three weeks now. Metaphorically or otherwise.
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