This would be a GIP, but there's an actual post here. Show good, icon pretty.
I feel bad for Sawyer. I know! I was surprised, too! But did anyone actually think Doggett was gonna tell Sawyer the *truth*? No? No one thought that, right? Okay, just checking.
I giggled at Locke's dead sister. Who may or may not have been a lie. I hope so, because otherwise I laughed at a dead kid. That can't be good. (It's balanced, however, by her being a fictional dead kid. But man, the guy has a dead sister and *foster mom*, and winds up in a wheelchair? What the hell kind of karma was *he* working off?)
I don't - I don't *hate* Kate, exactly, but it strikes me that the woman cannot be out of sight of someone for ten minutes without needing attention. She's almost worse than Shannon, what with "I want to help track Ethan down!" and "I'm going to leave you alone, Sawyer, since you threatened that baby boar! Except I totally won't, because I am sweet on you!" And ten bucks says she was married to the guy she LOVED! And then KILLED!
I was so cranky we didn't get to see why Sawyer was in the police station when Boone was there, you do not even know.
Dear JJ: Just kill whoever it is already, okay? You're giving me hives over here. PS: NOT BOONE. Love, Me.
Jack has...even more tattoos on his arm. The inside of it, I mean, and it's the same arm as the other tat. Goddammit, I'm going to have to fic that.
I have "Jenny Was a Friend of Mine" and "Andy, You're a Star" stuck in my head. Which is better than Sunday, when it was the theme to The Greatest American Hero. Neither of those things have anything to do with Lost, I know, but if I have to suffer, so do you.
Man, Josh Holloway cleans up pretty, doesn't he? Sawyer, slightly less scruffy, in the hotel room with the girl? Um. Yes please thank you.
Is it just me, or does Claire V.2.0 seem less - not flightly, but she's wearing pants instead of that damn dress and she seems more together now than before she got kidnapped. I like Claire V.2.0. Unless she turns out to be evil, in which case you kill her, cut off her head, stuff wolfsbane in her mouth and burn the body, then scatter the ashes in three different directions. (I still say they should have done that with Ethan. If it works for werewolves, it'll work for him.)
Dear Jack: I really, really like you, dude. And if you want to keep wearing that purple shirt with the sleeves ripped off while you tear branches up for cordwood, I would be totally cool with that. And maybe make out with Boone, because hey, it's sweeps.