it's not a dinosaur. I've got *that* figured out, anyway.

Jan 18, 2005 21:09

Okay. Here's the thing.

Lost didn't really have me 'til, like, last week.

No, I KNOW! Half my flist was all "this show RULES!" and I watched it, and it was really good, and I do love me some JJ Abrams, but I was just...there. Dude, I didn't even tape the last two episodes, because I know damn well I'm gonna get the DVDs when they come out.

Of course, I'm kicking myself for that *now*.

But last week just - you know that fannish thing where you're watching a show, and suddenly it busts out the hook and gets into your brain and it never, ever leaves? Yeah. Lost threw out the hook last week, and it landed in the middle of my BRAIN.

Because. I mean. OH MY GOD. They had me, okay? I didn't think it would be, like, *emotional incest* that got me, but apparently my brain is a much, much scarier place than I thought, because I squealed like a tiny child with the Love That Dare Not Speak Its (Totally Different Last) Name.

I didn't think frigging *Boone and Shannon* would be the ones to get me, but they *were*. Way to sneak that in, Abrams. Yeah, don't think I'm not looking at you, too, Lindelof, you *beautiful rat bastard*. I am now worried about fictional characters stuck on a *deserted island*, with something that *occasionally sounds like a dinosaur*, and I don't have time for this, okay? I have, like, seventeen hours of TV to watch on Fridays.

(Also, not that anyone asked my opinion, but everyone who was all "this show is disgusting!" and "this show has jumped the shark already!" just...make me think, "You're new to fandom, aren't you?" Because if emotional incest - and oh, don't get me started on *that*, because they were raised together *after a point*, but they're not *actually related*, and it's ooky and wrong but CALM DOWN ALREADY GOD - is what makes you leave a fandom, you have clearly never experienced RPS, is what I'm saying. We write, like, *actual* incest, and it's *good stuff*. It's *critically acclaimed*, some of it.

There's also a whole 'nother section on how I think a lot of it was because Boone slept with a *girl*, and how I think a lot "" of slashers are freaking out about that, and there's a mini-rant in there on the shades of emotion and how it relates to sexual preference, but I just had to brain my ISP and it's my mom's birthday, and that will have to wait a few days, is what I'm saying. Except I'll repeat the part about "calm down already! Jeez!")

Clearly, all of y'all need to rec me things (which I've probably already read, in my week-long-Lost-jag, but still) and send me pictures and links and squee with me. And freak out about Locke being Batman, because OMG HE TOTALLY IS.

Extra points for people who send me Jack/Boone links. Not that I'm writing that. NOT AT ALL. HEAVENS NO.


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