
Mar 16, 2008 11:35

If you've been with me for a long time, you know how obsessed I get whenever it's a new moon. We all it's rather sad, pathetic, annoying, but I can't help it! The obsession comes as natural as burping in all ready awkward situations. So, what else to discuss than my obsession(s)?

シド!!! I remember first discovering one evening in 2005 (I think it was). Oh boy, they were about the only thing I could listen to... 紫陽花 was just an amazing song and I know the play count is well over 100 now :Dv Anyway, after listening to their new album and becoming head over heels for "Dear Tokyo," I just can't stop listening to them... Well, except for their play album. I didn't care for that album at all.

My obsession with this show is getting steadily worse. I am at the point of looking at interviews, buying the seasons, stalking the actors save Steve Carell, I already loved him ♥. Then, I would like to creed this show, the only one on air which can make me laugh out loud. Sure, other shows can make me smile or even lightly chuckle, but this one actually makes me pause it and just laugh. Sometimes, at work, I would just think of a part and burst out laughing; it's rather pathetic.

Right now, I'm finally downloading Thank You For Smoking.
Maybe later, if you're lucky, a review :Dv
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