Quiet, quiet confidence

Sep 30, 2003 18:26

Today = another good day.

I had fun at school. My friend Cici was a little down, but I think she's okay now. At least I hope so. I want her to be happy. It sucks that she was down, ya know?

Anywho, nothing that great happend today, just an all around good day.

I found out we might not move back to Michigan. We might move to North Carolina. But it's not for sure yet.

That's crap. I was promised to move back to Michigan and I might not be able to move back at all? That's shit.

If they're making me move to North Carolina, there's going to be some serious ass wooping.

I fucking hate having a step-dad whose job moves us around. It's bull-Shit. As soon as I make good friends with people, I have to move? Is that really how they want me to turn out?

I hope not.

Oh well, it's not for sure yet anyways.

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