Oh come on now, you guys!!

Nov 23, 2003 12:09

I um.....accidentally deleted the last entry....BUGGERRRRRRR!!!

Ok, so let me paste the content here again!!
I got this guy's IM and when I looked at

I was like WOW! He got the body and he looks SOOOOO HOT. Yes, I like this kinda body!! Omg, he's so hot! It'd be so cool if we had this kinda guy in OZ... duh.

So here are the comments:

'hatamoto' says: Christ, he is hot!!!

'a guy from OZ' says: *flexes muscles* what's good about that guy, his big ears?

' Candy' says: um... this guy is not that hot. His body is too muscular!! LOL... I finally get EXACTLY which kind of guy you think is hot... not my type.

TO CONCLUDE: 'hatamoto', you're damn right. He's HOTTTTTTT!!!
'a guy from OZ', lol yea, his big ears are cute!!
'Candy', Well yea, that's the type of guy I like! ;)

I don't know why some of you can say he's not hot!! Just look closer at this pic! He got the BODY, just ignore his big ears (well, to me, I think it's kinda cute!LOL). I mean at least he's not like the other guys that is THIN AS MONKEYS! LOL

Ok, I won't be able to have internet access until I back to HK later this week. I ran out of my student download quota and my student account is stuffed up! Oh well... But I'll try to check my e-mails at uni.. Alrighty, I gotta head back to college now. Laters people!
P.S. Oh btw, I watched Scary Movie 3, it's crap.

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