I feel like if I don't post something every so often that mobs of angry people with pitchforks and torches and straight porn will come to kill me D:
Here's what my new plan is as far as stories go:
1. Finish TWIH. Now, as far as that goes, I found myself at another wall for ch.10. The most I have is the beginning, then something that goes in the middle, and plans for the end (sex). I'm actually having a really easy time doing ch.11 xD fucked up, right?
Once TWIH is done, I'm going to venture to the world of mpreg. Because in my perfect little world, guys can have babies, because gay guys are all that matter in my little world. If you don't like this, I suggest you just GTFO while you can.
That story shall be for
stfu_pwentzz, 'cause I told her that I would do a story for her for the longest time and I wanna do a mpreg really bad so I'm going to write one for her. It's very slightly Brendon/Jon, mostly Brendon/Ryan ('cause that's what Allie loves) with Pete/Patrick and all your other typical side pairings. Lots of babies up in there >D
In between all of this I probably will write little side stories. I'm still working on that epic porn story (still at ~28k words D:) and the other's I've told you about.
Remember that story where William goes crazy and kills half his school? Well, I rewrote the beginning for that and I have plans of finishing that. I also have ideas for vampires, assassins, murderers, whores...loads of fun :D
I know, you probably hate me. I tell you about all this shit and you don't ever see it. I'm so bad. I apologize.
Feel free to torture me with straight porn. It's probably the worst you can do...
xoxox Tabi