So hey; just thought I would give you a little note of sorts.
My wife,
lilrainforest, who I love more than words could possibly express, and I are going to start a story together again (and hopefully finish it this time). Those of you who read 'Someone Out There Loves You After All' got to see how we do this; even if we just stopped doing that.
What are we planning?
Well, we're going to start with our classic pairing of Gabilliam (Gabe/William for you losers). It's basically going to start with when they first meet as children and go through their life, both in growing up and growing closer, with all the trials and hardships along the way, then end...well, we haven't gotten that far. At first it will be done through oneshots then eventually will reach a chaptered story.
It's going to be posted on our community
brokenbonefics, with each section being done by whoever wrote it. I will be taking Gabe and Ray will be doing William.
And unlike our first try, this isn't going to be 1st pov cuz that's a pain. It's going to be 3rd; but centered around whatever character the part is about.
So look forward to that cuz it's only going to be posted in 2 comms- ours, and gabilliam. It won't be posted in either journal (though I'll put it on my masterficlist probably).
xoxo Tabi