(no subject)

Jul 16, 2005 01:00

hey everyone well today was pretty good i woke up and watched some tv then worked out and then took a shower and started getting to go out to eat with the best friends cause today was laurens birthday so we ate and then when back to sarahs and sam joined us. we all had too much fun!well yeah i really want to see wedding crashers maybe i'll see that tomarrow with sarah or someone soo yeah i'm soo happy cuz it's raining i love the rain well yeah cassies birthday is coming up i think were thinking about going to the beach but i dunno cuz that hurrican emily is coming lol so well see how that goes hmm i want rick to come back to see how things are but well see <3 anyways i'm mad at thad ; / well yeah i'm really bored so i did this little thing buh bye ;)

[COLOR]: yellow:)
[NUMBER]: 6 fo sho`
[SUBJECT:] hmmm
[CLOTHING BRAND:] doesn't really matter just as long as i like it:)
[SHOE BRAND:] i dunno
[SPORT TO PLAY:] volleyball :)
[DRINK:] either sweet tea, water, coke, dr. pepper or rootbeer
[ANIMAL:] puppies
[HOLIDAY:] christmas. and my birthday
[BAND(s):] dunno
[MOVIE:] i have tons

-.W H O.-

[makes you laugh the most?]: my best friends
[makes you smile]: all of my friends & him:)
[has a crush on you?]:  <33 :D

-.H A V E.Y O U.E V E R.-

[fallen for your best friend]: no
[been rejected]: yeah i guess you can say that
[rejected someone]: yeah
[used someone]: umm probly
[been cheated on]: nawww
[done something you regret]: nope

-.W H O.W A S.T H E.L A S T.P E R S O N.-

[you talked to on the phone]: Rick<3
[hugged]: sarah
[you instant messaged]: lauren but it was really laurens brother
[you laughed with]: my best friends & sam

-.D O.Y O U / A R E.Y O U.-

[smoke cigarettes]: nope
[obsessive]: nah
[could you live without the computer?]: yes
[how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: hmm there in sections i duno
[what's your favorite food?]:bbw[boneless buffalo wings] from chilies
[whats your favorite fruit?]: i love all fruits
[drink alcohol?]: lately yeah
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: yeah but only when i can
[trust others way too easily?]: yeah sometimes

-.N U M B E R.-

[of times I have had my heart broken? ]: too many times with just one person[of hearts u have broken?]: umm not sure
[of continents I have lived in?]: 1
[of good friends?]: 3 best friends and alot of GOOD friends
[of cd's that I own?]: hmmm not sure probly 7 or 8
[of scars on my body ?]: ????
[of things in my past that I regret?]: nothing

-.P I C K.O N E.-

[MARRY PERFECT FRIEND OR PERFECT LOVER]: a perfact friend and lover haha:)
[CATS OR DOGS]: dogs
[1 PILLOW OR 2]: 2
[W/ OR W/O ICE CUBES]: with
[NIGHT OR DAY:] night
[BUNK OR WATER BED:] bunk bed
[MTV OR VH1: ] hmm both
[OCEAN OR POOL:] ocean


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