Title: Dean’s Christmas Song
Fandom: Supernatural FPS
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: G
Summary: First Christmas in Stanford for Sam.
"So you stay here?"
Sam nodded.
"You can come with me. My parents will be happy to have a guest on Christmas."
"No, Christmas is for family. But thanks for your offer. Off you go, Ty."
Sam patted his roommate's shoulder and shrugged as the apartment door closed behind Ty's back. Everyone was home for Christmas. Everyone but him.
He sagged into a worn-out couch in the corner of the room and fiddled with his cell phone. Calling dad was out of the question, but Dean-should he call Dean? Sam sighed. Bad idea. Dean might still be pissed that he left him for college.
Not knowing what to do, Sam randomly pushed some buttons and they brought him to the list of songs he had in the player. One of them caught his eyes. It said 'Dean's Christmas song.' He frowned and pressed play.
Have yourself a Merry little Christmas
Make the Yule-tide gaaay
Sam snorted. Dean had always been so silly. He must’ve recorded his own voice to Sam’s cell phone sometime last year around Christmas time. Sam remembered how Dean kept calling him gay boy after he was caught calling out Dean’s name in his sleep.
He soon turned into a full-on giggle as the song went on.
“Dean, you’re not supposed to play with that song, you know,” Sam muttered to himself.
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself A merry little Christmas now.
As the song dwindled away, Sam moved to push the stop button when Dean’s voice was heard again, more subdued this time.
“Merry Christmas, Bro. You know I always love you. I’d totally kiss you if we were under mistletoe right now.”
What the hell? Sam burst into laugh-before he started to sob.