Fic: Not the First Time

Nov 25, 2012 11:24

Title: Not the First Time
Fandom: crossover James Bond/Supernatural RPS
Pairing: James Bond/Jensen Ackles
AN: So James Bond has that line in the latest movie, Skyfall, and layne67 said something about the first Bond boy. But I’m sorry it’s not Bond/Dean, Layne. I just can’t get young!Jensen being Bond boy out of my head. So this is for you, dear, and alvieramarisha for your ideas I put in this drabble. :D

The moment the words left his mouth, James's mind blanked out and flew back to that not the first time chance he just spurted to Mr. Silva. It was far from a bluff or a lie for he never lied. Never. Not even hiding his true identity while in the face of danger like what he could have done last night when he met Severine.

He certainly would not lie about one of his best nights or about a certain Texan boy he met ten years ago. The prettiest kid with curled lashes over the greenest eyes that kept a constant soft gaze at him. The boy who sometimes irritated him for being three inches taller so it was he that was constantly pushed to the wall instead of being the one doing the pushing.

He barely ever complained though for Jensen - the boy's name - preferred more to be on the knees and James loved tugging at Jensen's longish blonde hair like his life depended on it. Jensen was rather sloppy but James would just pull him up to his feet and crush at his swollen lips, slobber and all. Tasting himself in Jensen's mouth, capturing his helpless moan that made James’s dick twitch in new interest.

"So, Mr. Bond. I ask you again. What brings you to this island?"

James gasped as he was brought back to the present. He glared at the waylaid agent standing before him with his legs spread. He held back his nausea. Jensen. Bring him back to Jensen.


supernatural rps, james bond

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