Fic: ANTMM - Top 10

Feb 06, 2012 11:39

Title: ANTMM - Top 10
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The boy who draws a sword.
AN: Written in ANTMM ‘verse.

He’s been there three weeks and suddenly they are the Top Ten. Jensen feels giddy every time he thinks about it and Jared might be wrong about Jensen’s going to forget about him soon, but Jensen can’t say he’s totally missed Jared. He has yet to make close friends with the other contestants; Jensen purposefully refrains himself seeing that every week any one of them will be leaving. Jensen doesn’t want to get close to someone just to say goodbye the next morning. He doesn’t see the point of making himself feel lonelier than he already is.

So yeah. He knows their names, Tim, Mike, Elijah, Brent, to name some that share the room with him, and they get along well in the house. It’s more than enough. Jensen doesn’t know much about them, and vice versa. None of them knows he’s gay and taken and Jensen can’t tell for sure if they are. He might have guessed from the look they throw his way sometimes but Jensen doesn’t bother with it.

“Marcus’ mail!” Someone shouts from the sitting room downstairs where there is a gigantic plasma TV on the wall. They are all scurrying down including Jensen, who cringes thinking what roles they are going to play this time and if they get to be shirtless again. In his letter, Marcus only mentions that they are going to draw swords the following day. What the hell does that mean?


Jensen laughs hard when he sees the costume he’s going to wear that day. Oh the irony. Not only does he get to wear clothes this time, he also has to dress up in layers. Jensen eyes the clothing items spread out before him: a piece of tunic, a leather skirt, a heavy leather armor, scabbards for a sword and a dagger, and many more he can’t even begin to tell.

“Am I gonna film Lord of the Rings or something?”

The costume person grins at him. “Something like that because before make-up and dressing up you’re gonna practice sword-fighting.”

Jensen’s mouth goes slack. “Come again?”

The costume assistant chuckles. “It’s fun, isn’t it?”

The practice is more tiring and annoying than fun and by the time Jensen is prepared for the photo-shoot, dressed up in his armor and all, he’s all worked up ready to kill someone. The scene choreographer doesn’t need to tell him to ‘look feral’ or to ‘show his wild side.’ Jensen draws both his sword and dagger and charges at his enemy that’s acted on by the fighting coach himself. The guy is slightly shorter than him but he’s sturdy built and has determination as strong as a wild bull’s. He’s not playing around with Jensen and soon they both are soaked with sweat.

Then at one point they are involved in a close-up fight, their swords entangled in each other. Click and whirr sounds of the camera blur into the background but then Jensen gets distracted. His breath hitches, the coach yells, and the next thing Jensen knows, he is hurled back and hits the wall. Hard. And everything goes black.

It must have lasted for mere seconds for people are still stunned when he comes to and just then a person shouts, “Medic!”

Someone who looks like the coach kneels down beside him. “God, Jensen, I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to.”

Jensen’s sight is blurry, his head’s pounding, and he hurts all over, but Jensen smirks as his eyes flutter shut. “It’s okay.”


Marcus heard about the accident and he almost burst out in rage. No one should touch Jensen again let alone hurt him, though he can’t keep his eyes off the sight of Jensen fitted in leather costumes lying there unconscious, his legs splayed open and his palm facing up, a sword resting across it. He looks like a wounded warrior in a battlefield, so alluring and tempting in his vulnerability. Marcus doesn’t know if he has to fire the photographer for still taking Jensen’s pictures when he passed out, or send him a bouquet of flowers.


supernatural rps, antmm

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