Apr 25, 2005 22:10
Ah, another Monday. Since it is usually the beginning of my work week it is usually the rotten day. It did not used to be that way. But management has been sucking the life out of this job for awhile now. To them I am just "human capital". They swear I should think of that term in as complimentary. I must look stupid or something. Re-locating human capital sounds so much better than laying off people! A rose by any other name.... I keep thinking about that story of the Emperor with no clothes. That is what all this modern management crap reminds me of. Everyone one rushes toward it saying how great it is, when it is nothing. The end result of these things usually sets us back millions. TQM, ISO9000, where is my cheese? Stuff your cheese. Oh well tomorrow is another day. Maybe I will make some progress. Hope springs eternal?