Tuesday, wed!

Mar 31, 2005 09:34

*Went to baskin robbins first! with ali and jazzay! then we walked to alis house had cake lol. then me and jazz went to jazz's house, ali came layter she had to eat dinner. lol member the bird in the tree jazz? THE LADY IN THE WINDOW! man that was scary lol.*

-THen ali came! and we started to get hYPER!, we went to the movies to see be cool in our sweet sweatpants/pj pants lol! @ 7:45. It was an o.k movie?-

Then after the movies the fun just starts to begin lmao! We made cookies from scratch!.. umm it didnt end up the way we wanted and thought it would! lol!
*i will never expirience something with brown suger as a rock ever again in my life.*
lmao ali nd jazz! that was so fun! we kinda burt some chocolate chip cookies.. and umm the rest were kinda good! lol! But if you ate more than one.. u were like HIGH! We got so hyped up! lol that was so fun. We had sooo many inside jokes.. i cant really remember lol!.

Jazz woke up from my toes... weird story dont ask lol! We talked about dreams we had lmao... THen we went up stairs to make grill cheese! lmao ali they didnt end up so good! But hey we were hungry! lol.. we had more cookies!!!!

WE WENT TO GO PLAY HAIR DRESSER! yay! then beuty parlor! lmfao! we felt like little kids again we had so much fun! Jazz washed mine and ali's hair! then dried it and fixed it cute! After that we went up stairs to a bunch of makeup! and put eyeliner blush and like eyeshadow on! haha! it was alot of fun! lol!

Then it got soooooo sunny out! we went for a walk to seven eleven! lol we got slurpees! yum! when we got home we went outside tanning! ME AND JAZZ GOT TAN LINES! ali KEEP working on it! lmao! we had fun we listened to greenday and layed in the sun! by jazz's pool it was so fun! lol

ahh alot more happend .. i think? well we had alot of fun in our girls night in/out! lol.. we have to have another girls night IN SLASH OUT! lol!

Love you guys!

p.s im sorry catherine we couldnt hang out maybe we can hang out soon before spring break is over!!!!!.. or even the weekend! call me someimte !lyl!

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