Dec 26, 2007 17:53
Well, here is part one of the Year in Review thing. I am gonna start out showing you how I did on the whole New Years Resolutions. Here goes.
1. Read my Comics: FAILED
I went a bit comic crazy in 2007. Comicon in Chicago got me a bunch of graphic novels and other comics. Also the new better comic shop (Powers on the corner of Oneida and Cormier) opened with me having access to the best and most evil invention ever....Previews. Nuff said.
2. Watch my movies: FAILED
With the Hollywood Video on Webster going out of business near the end of the year, and day after thanksgiving deals, I pretty much got fucked out of this resolution.
3. Fassapanious FAILED
Wow....I drew most the characters, and about half the settings, but never actually finished a complete comic. Nor did I get the website designed. I guess I didnt have as much free time outside of work than i thought I would.
4. Watch my shows FAILED
Started out pretty well, got some shows completed, made huge dent into other series' as well, but I just couldnt cut it.
5. Read 15 books FAILED
I finished one book. Shit.
6. Watch 9 anime series FAILED
Didnt watch any. NEXT!
7. Beat 9 video games FAILED
I beat about three. 1.)House of the Dead 3, 2.)Lego Star Wars, & 3.)Gauntlet Seven Sorrows. Not too exciting a year for games I beat. Although this isnt counting the games that I dont own, nor the ones that have beaten already once before. It also doesnt count a game with a collection of games on it. But I am pretty close to beating Orange Box. But that still wont make it 9.
8. Earn money PASSED
Surprisingly. Even after all the shit that I mentioned above, I still managed to shove a couple high priced savings off to the side. yay.
9. Get healthier Failed
I failed this one, but not as poorly as the others. I did manage to lose about 12 pounds in the past two months....but i still didnt do as great as i wanted to, with the exercise and lack of soda and shit.
10. Clean passed
But just barely. I got the huge boxes and bags of shit out of the way. But now there are other things that I decided I want to go through, but the initial things that started this goal are taken care of.
11. Get a personalized liscense plate FAILED
About a week after I typed this goal, i lost the thing to mail in. So I basically said fuck it at that point.
12. TRY to get a girlfriend...part III PASSED
Well, as uneventful as the rest of the year was, I did manage to get something going at the begining of the year. Unfortunately it immediately occured to me that it wasnt really what I was looking for.
13. Work on my story FAILED
Yeah, didnt even open the brainstorm briefcase. Although i did carry it around to a few places.
10/13 Failed 3/13 passed
looks like the year was a bit of a failure. But as I learned from a movie once "You have to believe that life is more than the sum of its parts, kiddo."
So, thats about it for this one. Stay tunned for the other three parts.