
Oct 25, 2008 21:29

Life is very good for Ionia!

Sorry that it has taken so long for Ionia to say things. There are many exciting things to be telling right now and Ionia was busy with her very own G-diffuser AAAAAAAA.

Tazmily was a very good place! The Dragos were cute and Auntie Kumatora's house had good music from a piano and lots of ghosts. Ionia got to swim in the ( Read more... )

faaaaabulous~, daddy, mommy, grandpa falcon

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ionianmode October 26 2008, 04:29:08 UTC
A G-diffuser is the BEST THING EVER, sister. It is an anti-gravity device invented by Mason Summer.

The engines are what make F-Zero cars go foward and move so fast, but it's the G-diffuser system that makes them float! It was a very revolutionary device. F-Zero cars are super fuel-efficient because the G-diffuser eliminates all the friction except for air resistance, so they can go for whole races at incredible speeds without needing to refuel! The tradeoff is that it is difficult to steer and come to a stop, but that is going to happen when you have that much momentum anyways. The people who build F-Zero cars have worked very hard to make up for those flaws, though, and now F-Zero cars are very much safer than they used to be. Some models handle just as well as normal cars, or maybe even better! (Like the Blue Falcon *A*) G-diffuser systems have also been put to use in spaceships! Ionia does not know as much about them as F-Zero cars but they are called Arwings and Ionia also thinks they were put to use in a model called the Wolfen but Ionia is not so sure about this. They are not actually needed when in space because there is no gravity there anyways but it nullifies the gravity when you are still on the planet and so it makes takeoff and landing much less stressful on little ships like those and also lets them fly that much easier.



pudgy_purple October 26 2008, 04:32:10 UTC

i am sorry sister but i do not understand very much of that

I hope that does not mean I am stupid


ionianmode October 26 2008, 05:03:46 UTC
Okay, maybe you need to know how a G-diffuser works before you understand where it is used. 'A';;

First of all, you know Newton's law of universal gravitation states that every point mass attracts every other point mass by a force pointing along the line intersecting both points. The force is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the point masses. In other words, everything ever is attracted to everything else even if it is very very tiny. The bigger the thing is and the closer it is to other things, the more gravity will pull them together. It's easier to think of it in terms of the standard formula:

F = G(m1m2 / r2)

Where F is how strong the gravitational force is, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects attracted to one another, and r is the distance between them.

In order for a G-diffuser to work, we need F to equal zero. G is a constant so we can never ever change it no matter what, and we cannot make r equal zero because then the two objects would be occupying the same space and that is impossible. It would also mean that the formula is dividing by zero and you cannot do that. So a G-diffuser has to nullify mass. It cannot destroy it because that would mean destroying matter but it can alter the properties of the mass of the vehicle it is stored in. It generates a shield around the vehicle that reduces the outside forces acting on it until they are at a certain number: Summer's constant.

For F-Zero cars, the mass of the car times the theoretical maximum energy output times the gravitational constant is divided by Summer's constant, and that gives you the strength of the G-diffuser's field. It is what makes it so F-Zero cars float off the ground a little bit but do not fly off into space.

So to put it in really simple words, without any outside forces acting on it, an object will remain at constant velocity. A G-diffuser manipulates the outside forces acting on a vehicle, that's all.


pedaltothemetal October 26 2008, 05:04:53 UTC


blondprodigy October 26 2008, 05:05:28 UTC


pudgy_purple October 26 2008, 05:06:05 UTC
pudgy_purple October 26 2008, 05:07:27 UTC
I understand it now.



ionianmode October 26 2008, 05:09:06 UTC
See? It is easy to understand once you know the basics.


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