Character analysis hurrr

Dec 28, 2008 15:59

Name and meaning:
Ionia is an ancient region in western Anatolia, but I don't think that has much bearing on anything. :V Ionia's name actually came from a joke, long before I knew I'd be apping a blue pikmin. When Jeff and Lucas first adopted her, they were discussing how they had no clue what her gender was or if she even had one. So Jeff was all "welp. Any trannies you wanna name it after?" and so of course Lucas responded with "Ionia." Therefore, Ionia is named after the magypsy who awakened Lucas' PSI powers.

Magypsy!Ionia is most likely named for Ionian mode. Kind of ironic for the least musical of the piklolis to have a musical name, but there you go.

Age and date of birth:
Less than a year old. I think I messed up pikloli canon by making her birthday her first canon appearance at SBG, so I'll leave her birthday out for now, lol. :V

Physical attributes: (Elaborate on everything, from hair style to muscle tone to the their eyelid's tendency to flicker up and down during a boring teacher's lessons. Twitch.)
Tiny pikloli is tiiiiny. Ionia is only about 4"2' or something like that. She's also very not muscular at all. It's safe to say she's the weakest of the piklolis, being only a leaf and lacking the special fighting abilities of the other pigmans. Her hair is very blue and usually worn with half in a ponytail and half worn loose. A giant leaf also sticks out of her head, slightly to the left. It doesn't come off, so don't try. It also makes hats and helmets a pain in the butt to wear. Her eyes are... uh. Pale bluey-green. Greener than turquoise but bluer than mint green. This color. Sort of. She's white, and probably pretty pale because I guess I have a fetish for pasty-white gijinkas I like giving her skin a bit of a cold tone because lol she's all blue and green because she devotes a good deal of time to drawing and inventing away from the sun. No scars because what is physical pain. She's currently missing a tooth. Thanks Melissa.

Distinguishing features: (Anything unusual-scars, tattoos, etc. Or an unusual color of hair. What makes your character an individual? Please do not say violet-coloured eyes.)
Blue hair and a leaf sticking out of her head, deeerp. She's not the only one with either of those traits, but they're still pretty eye-catching.

Frequently used verbal expressions: (Either phrases “unbelievably pretentious!” or attitude.)
Refers to herself in third person. Rarely uses contractions. Tends to use simple words to describe most things (good, bad, etc.) with a varying amount of "verys" thrown in for magnitude.

Frequently used facial expression or other physical gesture: (They motion with their hands while they talk, never look people in the eye while giving speeches, tap their pens when listening to teachers)
Ionia likes to use big hand gestures when she talks to compensate for her tiny size and simple way of describing things. She's also used to trying to communicate with charades as a pikmin, so it's more habit than a conscious thing. She's not exactly shy; she isn't afraid to look people in the eye or give blunt responses. Her face is very expressive when she's human, though not so much as a pikmin ('A'). When Ionia is bored, it's really obvious; she fidgets and squirms, doodles on her notes, taps her pen... the only time she keeps still is if she's concentrating on something interesting.

Education (and grade): (Please elaborate on education prior to, during, and after school, including their level of interest in their subject of choice (or as chosen by another) and their general academic behaviour. Did they attend primary schools? Home tutoring? Somehow, they managed to read and pick up other basic skills, right?)
Ionia didn't have any sort of education before SBG, really. Once she was adopted and started living in Jeff's dorm, she learned by watching him work on inventions and sneaking looks at his textbooks and homework and then drawing on them. It wasn't until she became human, though, that she really started learning, and she dove into it with relish. Her first few weeks as a "student" were spent with her parents coaching her through the things she would have learned in elementary school. It's a good thing she seemed to be naturally clever, or she'd probably be overwhelmed, but she displays a knack for logical thought.

Academic skills: (Classes they excel at, whether or not essays are the thing for them, neat handwriting, attentive listening-how they manage to pass their classes or career.)
Ionia's naturally inclined towards structured subjects like math and the hard sciences. Being human meant a massive increase in her mental capabilities, and she finds it far easier to learn when things are logical, clear, and either right or wrong with no gray area. She does love to draw, but rarely does her art stray towards the abstract -- she likes to draw what she sees. Portraits are her favourite because she can just copy down what the person in question looks like, rather than making something up.

Ionia also loves machinery. Everything about it. Construction, operation, you name it. Driver's Ed is her favourite class in the history of everything ever.

Academic weaknesses: (And everything they manage to do to fail.)
There's a very good reason why Ionia isn't taking English, Creative Writing, or anything like that. She's good with concrete things -- either it's right in front of her and she can make it with her own two hands, or she can write down each logical step to arrive at her answer. Once things start delving into deeper, fuzzier matters, her thought process is too wild and undeveloped to grasp it. Ask her to analyze the motives of a character in a novel or write about themes and symbolism, and you will get a grade-school response that just summarizes the events of the story.

If your class is covering something that Ionia already knows or isn't interested in, she will have to struggle to pay attention. She likes a challenge, but she won't do well if the subject matter is something she can't focus on.

Main goal (dream) at this point in time: (Their main goal or dream is likely to change over time. How does it reflect their character? What hidden aspects are there to it? Elaborate.)
To be a for-real F-Zero racer. Ionia basically wants to be Falcon when she grows up. She loves F-Zero racing, she loves the cars, she loves to drive, and she loves Papa Falcon. Her very first experience as a human was being on board a bus he was driving at top speed, dodging lazers and ramping bridges. Another of her early experiences was going to Mute City to watch Falcon race. Making and maintaining a car involves putting mechanical skill to use, so that's her passion for machines put to use. F-Zero racers get fame and glory and recognition. They get to spend the day going really fast and there are awesome explosions sometimes.

F-Zero cars have G-diffusers.

Basically, F-Zero is everything Ionia wants and loves rolled into one high-speed package.

Secondary goals: (Like before, but smaller things that are somewhere in the spectrum, but not at the top of the list.)
To invent something that will let her fight. She... really can't hit very hard as is, and when everyone around her has bazookas and super strength and PSI powers and Falcon Punches, it's a flaw she's pretty determined to fix. Someday, she wants to Falcon Punch a building in half.
To make the people she loves proud. Being an F-Zero racer is the means to this end, in one way. It's also part of the reason for her throwing herself so determinedly into increasing her knowledge -- she never wants her stupidity or ignorance to annoy anybody, and working hard is just what a good pikmin does.
To get attention. Being the first pikloli at Sumabura and being so spoiled by Falcon and Jeff made Ionia kind of used to being in the spotlight. Now that there are so many other pikmin around, she tends to get a bit jealous and attention-seeking. This is especially apparent when it comes to Leader -- because Ionia is lucky enough to have a secure family watching out for her, Olimar doesn't need to act as a parent for her, and she therefore doesn't get as much attention. As she spends more time as a big person, she's losing that "but we won't ask you to love us" pikmin mentality. It's selfish of her, but she wants to be noticed and recognized and praised. It's got a lot to do with why she's so borderline-abusive to Petunia -- Leader cares about her a lot and she spends time with "Grandpa Falcon" shopping for bras and she's still as pure and flawless as Ionia used to be, with the added bonus of being born strong enough to punch buildings in half and make unhackable entries effortlessly.
To establish herself as independent and capable. This one is the most contrary with her pikmin instincts. Ionia knows she isn't as good as her sisters -- she's not exactly an angel, she's physically weak and lacks powers, and she can't breathe underwater as a big person, so her pikmin ability doesn't carry over. She wants to prove that she can do things on her own in spite of that. Ionia will never be a super-tough racer/bounty hunter superstar if she can't take care of herself.
To finally assemble that darn G-diffuser. It's harder than it looks ok :[

Love interest: (One hopes this will change over time. What draws them to this person? Is there a common characteristic in all those they adore?

Ionia's still a bit mentally immature for things like dating and relationships. Boys would have cooties if she understood genders and didn't want to be one so badly.

Family: (At least 100 words on each character should cover occupation, family history, how family members met (your character's parents), and a basic personality description.)
HUUUGE aaaaaa. I'll come back to this one later, maybe.

Place of residence (city, house, etc.): (Where does your character live?)
Once upon a time, she lived in Olimar's garden. Then she lived in a flowerpot on Jeff's windowsill. Now she lives in a dorm with Katrina.

She's also at Falcon's place a bunch. Someday she will probably have her very own room. *A*

Worst past experience: (Please remember that experiences are not limited to relationships--early/childhood experiences would be best, unless something that happened to your character as an adult has had a more significant impact.)
DJ isn't real.

Best past experience: (Please remember that experiences are not limited to relationships--early/childhood experiences would be best.)
It's hard to pick just one. When you're Ionia, every other day is the best day ever. :V Being given a name, becoming a big person for the first time, making friends with DJ, driving for the first time (with help from Nancy), driving a giant robot for the first time (with help from Team Dinosaur), driving F-Zero the Unicorn for the first time (with help from F-Zero), riding in the for real Blue Falcon, getting to actually drive the Blue Falcon at like 20 mph in a parking lot, getting her very own G-diffuser AAAAAAA, her very first Christmas and the fact she gets to build her very own Power Wheels car with Papa Falcon, hearing she was going to be adopted...

Yeah, Ionia has had a very happy life so far.

Hobbies: (All interests.)
Drawing, inventing, swimming, driving, robotics, watching F-Zero races, picking fights with lolis

Profession (aspired to): (What does your character want to be when they grow up? Or, if they're already an adult, what do they wish they were doing?)
For-real F-Zero Racer. *A* Vroom vroom beep beep.

Strengths: (Try and keep the number small-weaknesses are more important.)
Her brain. Once she has the time, the skill, and the means to actually finish some of the inventions she starts, she might be able to hold her own in a fight. Heck, she helped take Nancy down with homebrew egg grenades. Ionia is also a little bit more resilient than the average girl because that's apparently all blue pikmin have going for them in Brawl. She can breathe underwater as a pikmin, but can't as a human. She can, however, hold her breath for a fairly long time.
Ionia also has F-Zero the Unicorn, Clucker, and Grounder. They function mostly as guardians/pets/babysitters/transportation, but it can't hurt to have robots around in a pinch when you're a semi-helpless loli.

Weaknesses: (More important for role playing-please include several at least.)
Stubborn, a little bit spoiled, hasty, attention-seeking, impatient, getting to be a bit of a problem child, tries to do too much at once and wears herself out as a result, quick-tempered, developing something of an ego, gender is still a mystery to her, can't tie her own shoelaces, far too reckless for her own good, not actually immortal despite belief that she is

Habits: (Both the good and the bad.)
Refers to self in third person, tends to adopt family members on a whim

Any other information: (Basically an “other” category.)
As Ionia spends more time as a human and loses touch with her pikmin instincts, she's starting to take after her role models. Which is probably a bad thing, considering 90% of them are douches.

Possessions: (Details as well. What your character owns and what quality it is in.)
Clucker: A gift from AOB!Robotnik. Ionia dismantled his gun turret for parts and used his egg ammo as casing for her homemade grenades. The only thing remotely weaponlike about him is that he breathes fire -- a little mod that Ionia added herself.
Grounder: Also a gift from AOB!Robotnik. He has drills for hands and also one for a nose, so I guess it would hurt if you stood there and let him slowly roll into you and drill-poke you. He's very convenient to ride if you're a tiny pikmin, so long as there aren't any stairs about.
F-Zero the Unicorn: A rocket-powered robot unicorn. Goroh let Ionia keep hers after that one Driver's Ed class. Unfortunately, he came down with a slight case of blowing up. Ionia was able to glue him back together, She needed help with his G-diffuser and something is maybe a bit off with his programming, because he likes to do things like piss Jeff off and try to eat bubblegum, but he still functions as a stylish ride.
Baby Tessie: A plush Tessie toy from Winters. Ionia doesn't talk about her often because she isn't a cool robot, but she's the first real toy Ionia had and she totally sleeps with baby Tessie every night.
Petunia's robot: Ionia kind of sucks at programming so it's not quite anywhere near finished. Having all her parts stolen was also kind of a setback.
Tazer hands: The first real invention Ionia started, though it got put on hold after the DJ heartbreak and also when she was robbed. Close to being the first project Ionia actually completes all on her own:
her very own G-diffuser AAAAAA: Some assembly required. She still has a ways to go on this one. Complex stuff, those G-diffuser systems.
Falcon's awesome Power Wheels: Some assembly also required. Once they finish it, she will putt around at 5 mph and LOVE EVERY SECOND.

Also miscellaneous parts, art supplies, and some awesome toy F-Zero cars. Wheee.

Wardrobe: (What your character wears and its condition. This should reflect their social status, financial situation, social involvement, etc.)
Ionia always has her earrings as a human. They're green Stop 'n Swop eggs from Kazooie. Her school uniform is pretty standard: white dress shirt, red bandana thing with a school logo pin, red pleated skirt. Sometimes if it's cold out she adds leggings. If not, she's got shorts underneath. I never really bothered to plan out her non-uniform clothing, so it's kind of a mystery :V

What they would say about themselves:
Ionia tries very very very hard to do her best. ^A^

What others would say about them:
When Ionia first came to SBG, people would probably say that she was adorable, sweet, etc. Now, they probably think she's more of a hyperactive brat. She's probably known as that kid who punched an 8-year-old.

What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything to avoid?
Mediocrity, being alone, never achieving any of her dreams. Ionia would rather drop dead than end up with a desk job.

What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything in the world to have?
Either special powers like her sisters/Falcon/Lucas or genius. She is smart, but most of her knowledge is a result of hard work, and the little headway she's earned on her own inventions is the result of lots of trial and error.

How did your character make their enemies? Their friends? (Although this doesn’t have to be detailed, explaining circumstances and what unites and estranges your character with others is important.)
Ionia has no enemies. She does get mad at people, but there's nobody she hates or wishes harm on from the bottom of her heart. Any friends she has, she probably just abruptly announced they were going to be buddies and that was that. She's never been shy about making a new friend.

What does your character fear? (Explain fears and the reasons behind them.)
Ionia is pretty fearless, really. She doesn't fear death because of the mistaken belief that she'll live forever, and she doesn't have any sort of phobias. She doesn't bat an eye at explosions and crashes, and weapons of mass destruction are more or less shiny toys to take apart. The only time she really displayed fear was the sprout event, so I'd say the only things she's afraid of are hurting loved ones and seeing loved ones hurt.

What is irresistible to your character? (Explain why they can’t resist the irresistible and the reasons behind their inability to resist.)
Robots, going fast, G-diffusers, cars. Ionia has an insatiable curiosity when it comes to technology, and anything that can help her achieve her dream of being an F-Zero racer instantly has her attention.

Who does your character admire most? (The person, their admirable qualities, and your character’s reasons.)
Falcon. He's an F-Zero superstar, he's strong, he's tough, he's bold, he's talented, he's confident, independent, good with physics, knows all about the world... he has a spaceship and a pew pew gun and he can do anything. Ionia wants to be just like him when she grows up.


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