I want to talk about all these things but never quite work out the time to do it

Jan 13, 2012 18:16

Okay, so STUFF.

01) We're nearly a fortnight into 2012 and I really feel like it should still only be about the 4th because, really, time is travelling WAY too fast.

02) I've finally managed to get my New Year Resolutions for 2012 written. I have 52 goals this year.

So this is really just a collection of links.

03) Should The Times Be a Truth Vigilante? Really? Should reporters point it out when politicians lie or bend the truth? Isn't that their job?

It's like someone saying that the sun goes around the Earth and someone else saying that actually the Earth goes around the sun and the first person saying 'that's your opinion' *headdesk*

It scares me so much that anyone could be asking this question.

04) Okay, so at the moment the TCAs is going on - Television Critics Association - which is where, twice a year, all the TV studios come together over a few weeks and present to the critics/TV reporters panels about their old and new shows coming in the new year (or Fall for the one in summer).

Some panels are more successful than others, obviously, but I don't think ANY have been as awful as the one for 2 Broke Girls

The general point of, well, practically every critic is that there is a lot of general racism in the show but that there are good parts too and they questioned if the showrunner was going to either reduce the problematic parts or flesh out the racial stereotypes that he's writing.

What happened next was, well, insane because he basically said 'fuck you' to everyone who has brought up the racism of the show.

You have to read the account of what happened because it's really a roadmap of what not to do to bred any goodwill with TV critics.

From the AV Club

From Hitfix

05) How the badly maimed BBC can stand up to parasitic Sky

06) One woman versus the Egyptian military in legal battle over virginity tests This woman is all kinds of awesome. Seriously, amazing.

07) Actress Kim Novak slams The Artist film for "rape" of music from Vertigo I. What? Really?

08) Racism vs “racism”: why Diane Abbott was right

When white politicians cry racism like this, it makes me want to curl up and hide because, just, no.

09) So, there was an obscenity trial in the UK a couple of weeks ago:-

Fisting on Trial (this also totally wins best headline ever, I think)

Obscenity Trial of the Decade

Obscenity law in doubt after jury acquits distributor of gay pornography

But the thing that got me was that the prosecution were arguing that you could be corrupted if you saw any of this material, but to determine if this was true, the jury had to see this material so how does the prosecution know the jury weren't corrupted?

10) This is kind of hilarious The RIAA Pirated $9 Million Worth of TV Shows

11) And then there is SOPA - or Stop Online Piracy Act - which will, well, basically close down the Internet.

Wikipedia has a great write-up about what it's all about Stop Online Piracy Act

Dear Congress, It's No Longer OK To Not Know How The Internet Works

Top tech execs write open letter opposing SOPA

PC Gamer Editorial: If SOPA passes in its current form, it will be a disaster for gamers and the games media worldwide

SOPA: Hollywood Finally Gets A Chance to Break the Internet

And here would be an example of how the legislation could impact the general public

internet:link spam, politics:american politics, politics:british politics, show:2 broke girls

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