I curse you, Fox network, I curse you! Firefly, Sarah Connor Chronicles and Dollhouse?!? Bastards!

Jan 09, 2011 01:45

I have watched a terrific amount of TV so far this New Year. Let me show you.

OMG - Ryan! How are you this adorable???

Everyone standing around watching was hilarious and so cute. And everyone shedding a tear. I love this family SO DAMN MUCH!

I loved that Beckett started out liking Natalie and Castle hated her and then Beckett didn't like her and Castle thought she kind of rocked and finally they both agreed that she was creepy.

The whole team huddled together, watching Natalie through the window, hiding so she couldn't see them was hilarious.

God, but I love this show.

Fuck, but this was an amazing episode. The amount of family that is present in this episode is fabulous. And I'm a total sucker for family.

Danny looking after Steve after he's been tasered is awesome. Getting the ice. Nagging about the security system. And then Steve saying that he did get a security system. Do we take from this that Steve does as Danny tells him? (Is that even a question?) - Oh, and Danny knowing is way to easily around Steve's kitchen.

And Danny just being there for Steve all the dame time. And the talks in the car. Missing Mary's childhood and all that. God, they just killed me. And Danny knowing what Steve needed. Toning down the sarcasm and the ranting and letting Steve talk. And Danny's look of kind of helplessness when that guy on the beach dies.

But also giving him shit about driving a motorbike up some stairs instead of doing what sane people do, and walking.

And then the hug when Steve and Danny find Mary. God, that hug. Best brother ever. The look of relief and Mary's certainty that Steve would find her. And the look of relief on Danny's face, too. And then Steve didn't give her shit about digging around by herself. It continues the theme of no-one yelling at Kono after she lost that girl. Awesomeness.

I loved how Kono basically got to solve the case while Danny stuck with Steve and stopped him from killing every criminal in Hawaii to get to Mary. Danny's job was so obviously keeping Steve sane and grounding him while they figured everything out.

I was so very happy that Mary had stayed on the island, but I wish they'd had Steve just give a throwaway line about going and seeing Mary one evening, or something, so we knew that before this episode.

I'm also disappointed that Steve sent Mary away. I get why, and the airport scene killed me because Steve looked so sad to be losing his sister again. But I reckon she'd have been awesome.

Because, unlike her SEAL brother, she thought to take photos of the evidence. Really, at no point did Danny, Chin or Kono think of that? (In my head, Kono assumed that one of the boys had thought of it, which is why she never brought it up. She was appalled when she found out none of them had). And I love Steve's kind of wondering and impressed tone of voice when he finds out.

The governor rocked, but we all knew that already, right? She just became more awesome. I loved the way she walked down the hallway and Chin, Kono and Danny all look up as she goes past. So funny.

And Danny is the one to go and find Steve as he continues to work. Of course. God, but I love those two together.

But Mary better be back. I love her and want more of her there.

I spent most of this episode going 'OMG, Vince, what are you doing?' In fact, I think this entire episode can be summed up with that line.

I honestly wish that Vince had a mum like Smash's because then he'd listen to Coach. There is a huge part of me that hopes that Smash comes back, all awesome and a lot grown up, and tells Vince like it is. I don't want Vince's future to get fucked up but it totally will be if he keeps listening to his dad.

I wasn't at all surprised that the team gave him shit about skipping practice like that. He really kind of deserved it. But he's not that worried about it, but Jess can totally see where it's going.

I couldn't believe that his excuse to Coach was that his mum was back on the heroin. Vince, when you go that far, you know you're kind of lost. I get the feeling that Coach was kind of appalled that Vince did that.

And I loved Eric totally standing up to Vince's dad. I think he might soon be finding out just how serious Eric is about possibly benching Vince.

I want to know what happens to Jess. I want her to have a good ending. I also want Vince to listen to his girlfriend, because she is SMART!

Eric was all kinds of awesome in this episode.

I wanted to hit Buddy for what he said to Buddy Jr after he got a hairline fracture. But then he was nice, so that was okay.

Eric chasing Derek away from the house was hilarious and he's more than a little lucky that Eric didn't hit him.

I'm so glad Jules went to see Matt. SO GLAD.


I want to see the rest of this season SO much but at the same time, I don't want the show to end. I want to see the rest of the old team. I want to know how Smash, Tyra and Tim will return. I want to see Jason and Tim together. I want to see Tyra with Jules. And all of them with Coach, obviously.

God, why does this have to be the end of the show???

Well, damn, but season three was quite brilliant.

Pete is such a dick, but I find him compelling to watch. He also has an awesome wife. Trudy is brilliant.

Roger is another dick, but I love his irrelevant observations. I can't believe he left Mona. She was awesome. Jane...less so. And I'd be like Margaret - I'd hate her with the fiery passion of 1000 suns.

I can't believe Sal got sacked. And I'd really hoped that after not treating Sal any different, that Don would be more cool about the whole thing. I really, really hope Sal gets in at the new firm.

And Betty discovering about Don. Wow. And her just not coping and going with Henry Rollins. And, god, poor Don. Although, I do agree with him; the kids would be better with him. If you ignore the job and the women, he really does care about those kids and seems to notice them more and understand them better than Betty.

Like when Don worked out why Sally didn't like her new baby brother. I thought he was awesome. And when he and Betty told the kids about Don going, I was crying SO much.

I loved Sally and Don's deepening relationship as she gets older, and I really hope that continues in season four. I want Sally and Don to have a good father-daughter relationship. I can't cope otherwise.

I loved how fast moving it was when they decided to create a new firm. Lane firing them was just genius. Don being the galvanising force behind the whole thing was brilliant.

Go Peggy for making Don tell her how awesome she is.

So glad that Harry is with the new firm. I'm curious as to who else might come over in season four because they've got to get a few more, right?

And the fact that they had to Joan in so they could actually find things in the office was hilarious and so obviously going to happen. Go Roger for calling her and yay to everyone else just being so relieved that she's there, knowing what to do and giving them instructions.

Though, possibly my favourite bit was Roger asking Peggy to get him a cup of coffee and Peggy refusing without even looking up.

I can't wait to see what happens in season four. Thank goodness I have it on my laptop, ready and waiting.

Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles

Okay, so I never watched this because I made the unintentional mistake of watching the first film before my first attempt to watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles and then the T2 before my second attempt to watch the show. I just couldn't cope with the two different Sarah and John Connor's.

But, recently I've been missing good sci-fi/fantasy. Apart from SPN and Chuck, I'm not watching any sci-fi shows. I hated SGU, never got into Caprica (and both are cancelled now, anyway) and everything else has been cancelled/finished. I am thinking of getting into Fringe and The Vampire Diaries because I need some sci-fi/fantasy in my life and I have so little.

So, while at tahariel's just before New Year, I saw the first season and thought 'fuck it, I need some good sci-fi and I've only heard goof things about this show', so I borrowed it.

I got through the first season in two days and the second season in less than a week.

I've just got so many questions right now. God damn, but that would have been an amazing third season if they'd had one.

The first season was good - although, I often wanted to hit whiny John (I get why he was whiny, it was just annoying) - and it got much better when Derek arrived. I loved the flashbacks to the future (and there is a sentence that's difficult to get your head around). Watching both unfold at the same time was brilliant.

But I really fell in love with the way T:SCC told stories in the second season. Some of them were just amazing.

My personal favourites:-

Allison from Palmdale - I love finding out about Allison and I love the way they do it and the continuation of Cameron's chip malfunctioning. And Summer Glau is AMAZING. They way she goes from Allison to Cameron is fabulous and damn, but do I love her.

Goodbye to All That - Frankly, any time John and Derek get to spend time together is a win for me. I love the relationship between those two. And Derek trying to SO HARD to be there for John. And his reaction to Martin was brilliant and then his revelation that Martin dies saving John and they never meet again is heartbreaking. And Derek giving that cadet shit for thinking that war is fun totally had me cheering him.

Self Made Man - I loved the revelation that Cameron was going out by herself and creating something of a life. Her having a friend was adorable, as were her attempts to be a friend and her apologising when she got things wrong. And the way the Connor's were kind of taking her for granted and assuming that because she didn't sleep, she could do the ironing. And they way she figured it all out on her own and tracked down the other Terminator and stopped him. Brilliant.

Alpine Fields - I kind of love Lauren Fields. She was totally awesome and I hope that if there'd been another season she would have appeared in it. Seeing Derek's flashbacks and Sarah and Cameron's rescue of the family was awesome. As important of as Sydney was/is I kind of find myself so impressed with Lauren. And, uh, was I the only one who loved Derek holding Sydney? The look on his face. And him immediately offering a place for Lauren and Sydney to stay even before asking Sarah.

Desert Cantos - if only because it has Cameron noticing something about human behaviour before John or Derek.

Cameron Phillips: [about Zoe] She hasn't looked at her father's picture since we've been here - not once. Neither has her mother.
Derek Reese: Yeah, and?
Cameron Phillips: If you had a photo of Kyle Reese, you'd look at it, wouldn't you? - Maybe there's something I don't understand.
John Connor: He's not dead.
Derek Reese: That's a big leap.
John Connor: Lemme repeat what she said: if you had a photo of your brother, would you or would you not look at it?
[Reese turns to observe Zoe and her mother]
Derek Reese: He's not dead.
Cameron Phillips: We should find him before he is.

And then there was what happened to Riley. God, but that poor girl. Talk about a shitty ass life. There was always something a bit off about her, but never in a bad way - not like there was with Jesse. Jesse always made me uneasy. Riley didn't. And finding out how she lived, what Jesse did to her. How she treated her. And then finding out that John knew all of that? I liked that John took a bit of responsibility for her death.

I kind of hope that we'd have seen Riley in the future, and, maybe she'd have had a slightly better time of it. Somehow.

And then with Jesse. I never trusted her. Even once we knew her plan, I knew there was more. It just never occurred to me she was setting up Riley. I got that she was the one who told Child Welfare but not why. Probably because that's quite a terrible thing to do to a girl.

And Derek being impacted by Riley's death. It was bad enough when he thought Cameron had done it, but when he finds out the truth, god, poor Derek.

And John figuring out that it wasn't Cameron who killed Riley. I totally cheered him on. And I loved that he went to Derek with it. Awesomeness.

But I truly adore the relationship John has with Charley. Them spending time together on the boat and John just opening up to Charley and telling him everything was just lovely. John has so few people he can trust or talk to, that Charley was truly unique. He had no expectations of John - he just wants to be there for him. No matter how much Sarah and Derek love John and want to protect him and prepare him, they have expectations. For John to have someone who doesn't expect anything of him must be so different - and also one of the reasons I think he spends so much time with Riley, even with her secrets.

And he was the one that Sarah confided in as well, with her fears of cancer. God, but Charley was amazing.

When we saw Charley dead in the water I totally cried. Because, god, Charley.

And the emotional hits just kept on coming because Derek was next. Derek! And, fuck. Because that was amazingly done. Totally out of the blue. Just nothing you'd have expected. I mean, it was the Joss Whedon school of killing off characters (with the Joss Whedon school of bringing characters back *g*). But John's look of devastation was heartbreaking. He lost his uncle/father figure and his brother-like figure at more or less the same time. How much does that suck?

And then when John arrived in the future and we see Derek, Kyle and Allison - just WOW. Awesome. I totally cheered. And then it ended.

So, what happened with John Henry? Catherine Weaver? Are they good guys or are they bad guys?

Because, correct me if I'm wrong, when the drone crashed into the office, a bit of it then joined with Catherine, right? Suggesting that...

So, really, WTF?

God, but I wish we'd found out what happened with them. And then, would we have seen Martin? Lauren? Savannah?

And John is now a nobody. To be fair, it's the best way to hide from Skynet.

And, god, what happens to Sarah, Ellison and Savannah?

Why is there no season three, guys???

God, but I want long fic about John being in this future.

show:sarah connor chronicles, show:hawaii five_0, show:castle, show:mad men

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