Just before going off to Hallowhedon 2 I finally saw the last half of season five of Dr Who
Not really episode commentaries, more a collection of things I loved:-
I loved how, after Rory died, Amy cried because some part of her knew she had lost something/one important.
I thought the Vincent episode was amazing. And I thought that was a really good depiction of depression. Amy's devastation when she realised that Vincent had still killed himself, even after being shown how much the world loved his work, was heartbreaking. And when the Dr and Amy took him to the museum to show him just how important his paintings were, I was crying like a baby. And the sunflowers being dedicated to Amy? Totally made me cry even more. Damn you, Dr Who for turning me into a blubbering mess.
It always makes me sad to think that people who we consider to be talented and, in many instances, geniuses, will never know just how beloved they are because of how they were treated/viewed while they were alive. It just made me wish that something like that could happen to Van Gogh (and so many others). Why aren't time machines real?
And I loved that the Dr couldn't see what was attacking them and that Vincent could. And that mirror contraption was awesome *g*
And the two parter finale? Holy Hannah, was that awesome.
I'd already seen 512 when it aired, but I watched it again to jog my memory before watching 513. I love that the Dr, River Song and Amy, none of them twig that to many, many beings, it's the Dr who is the most dangerous being.
But the box opening to reveal Amy was utterly awesome. I was wondering how they were going to get the Dr out and Amy alive again.
And the fact that the Dr who asks Amy to trust him way back with the Angels was the one travelling back through his own time stream and not the one who she was with was fucking inspired. I knew there was something off when the Dr reappeared to reassure her, but I couldn't work out what and that explained it perfectly.
Rory being all 'How could we forget the Dr?' was adorable and I love Rory to pieces.
But my favourite, favourite thing is that after the wedding, when Amy was obviously going to go with the Dr, Rory goes too. And not because Amy wants to, but because he does too. I love the fact that both of them want to travel with the Dr and it's not being forced on either of them and that it doesn't seem to be 'a big deal' to any of them that there are three of them and two of them are now married. It just seemed so inevitable to both of them that they would travel with the Dr again.
This is the only show, apart from White Collar where I can see a OT3.
My biggest issue with OT3's is that someone always seems to be left slightly on the sidelines, even if the writer doesn't intend for that to happen and I always end up feeling so sorry for the person on the sidelines. But in both White Collar and Dr Who that doesn't seem to happen at all and I'm so happy that they are all together.
And then there is the fact that all the build up was SO worth it. My issue with RTD was that his build up was often brilliant but the resolute really often sucked. Re-sets were employed WAY too much and by the end of the RTD era, they were really beginning to bug me.
But this one WORKED. It was brilliant. Yes, there was a re-set but it was one that made sense. You still had peril and the resolution of that was excellent. The thing that so often bugged me about the re-sets RTD used was that EVERYTHING went back to how it was - the world, memories, the people it affected. There didn't seem to be an particular movement. But here, the re-set actually moves things forward - you have Amy's parents. You have Rory and Amy's wedding. You have them still going off with the Dr, but the re-est changed things - it didn't take things back to how they had originally been. And that was the genius of this particular re-set.
I know that I've read that some people weren't all that keen on this series of Dr Who. I'm not one of them. I think season kind of worked. I love Matt Smith's Doctor. I adore Amy and Rory. I think Moffet is awesome and amazing. I love that evidently EVERYTHING was planned from the very beginning and The Moff set down loads of clues along the way and evidently really thought about this.
Yes, there were some not so great episodes - The Vampires of Venice kind of comes to mind.
But I loved the Angel episodes because I love River Song - even if they did make the Angels slightly less scary by explaining stuff about them. I really enjoyed the two parter in the mine shafts. That was awesome. They had humans who were flawed and they buggered up the big plan the Dr had, but Rory was magnificent in that episode. And the Vincent episode? Is there anyone who didn't love it? The Lodger was a good fun episode before the intensity of the final two episodes. In fact, the only episode I kind of hated was the Dalek episode. That did kind of suck.
And I love how not everything has been explained. We're still in the middle of the mystery. The Dr may have stopped the TARDIS from blowing up, but we don't know who set that in motion or why. I can't wait to find out.
I seriously can't wait for the Christmas Special or Season Six, which, from the few things I've stumbled across, sounds like it should be amazing.
And, because I'm talking about Dr Who, I want to bring the Mitch Benn song I'm Proud of the BBC to your attention.
Click to view
The list of shows is epic and you have seen, or at least heard, of all of them.
Plus, Doctor Who gets named checked three times. How awesome must it be to be part of a show that - within all the institutions that get mentioned in that five minutes - is so beloved and awesome that it is mentioned THREE times? Also, he has the TARDIS. How cool is that?
And in other news,
Last weeks - I love that they finally didn't catch a bad guy. Even if they did totally work it out in the end. For once, I totally had the bad guy pegged long before Castle or Beckett thought there was something wrong.
I did like the bad guy psycho-analysing Castle and his fascination with death and dying and wondering why he wanted to be so close to it.
I wonder if they'll re-visit this and finally catch the bad guy.
I love that Martha knew there was something wrong because Castle told her he loved her.
And I love that Castle, after years of being so easy going with Alexis and what she did and where she went, is now getting freaked out by everything. I like that if he hadn't started working with Beckett and the department, he'd probably still be easy going.
This weeks - I love the Castle family. I love all their relationship dynamics. I love how close they are and how they look after and protect one another.
That's pretty much all I have.
Esposito and Ryan continue to win at everything. They are SO damn adorable. A Rod and Twilight *dies laughing*
And also the way Ryan secured Esposito's vest for him the week before and the hand in the small of the back *dies just a little*
YES! Chuck told Ellie. If we'd had to put up with Chuck coming up with some lame ass reason for their mum not showing up, I would have been so pissed. I wanted to to hug Chuck for telling Ellie the truth. And I SO cried for Eliie. Her dad dies before she can really connect to him and her mum might be a traitor, or might not, but either way she's in a profession Ellie hates and wants to protect Chuck from.
I'm still not sure about their mum, I have to admit. I agree that she obviously cares a great deal about Chuck and Ellie and is definitely trying to protect them, but as to whether or not she's with the good guys, or the bad, I have no idea.
I mean, it seems obvious that after losing his dad, that the writers wouldn't make his mum bad, but I dunno. It's just SO predictable that she'll end up being good. It's be SO much more interesting if they make her morally grey. Although, having said that, I really hope we don't have many episodes of is she/isn't she bad. I want them to make up their minds one way or the other (they can fuck with us later on, if they want, but for now, I want them to at least pretend to make a decision).
Timothy Dalton was awesome and amazing and totally upstaged EVERYONE else. Loved his SO damn much.
I can't believe they blew up everything that Stephen had worked so hard to discover so early in the season. Bugger. That was his life's work.
I did love how Morgan, as Chuck's best friend, was able to get Chuck's mum to help them out (although I suspect she would have 'helped' eventually anyway) and she seemed genuinely happy to see him. I thought it was kind of sweet.
I found Sarah and Chuck working out their issues while beating up a bank full of bad guys hilarious and awesome.
And what the hell did mum do to Chuck with the Intersect thing??? Does he not have it? Is it dormant for a while? What the hell is going on? I can't wait for next week.
I thought the Ellie reunion with her mum was really touching and I thought both Sarah Lancaster and Linda Hamilton played it perfectly. And I loved that they were given time to talk and to catch up. And I definitely loved how Casey seemed genuinely sorry for having to interrupt. Casey is such a softie ay heart *g*
I want more Morgan/Alex and I really want to see more of Casey spending time with Alex. Casey being a dad is an awesome idea and I really want them to do something great with it. Plus, it will give Adam Baldwin something more to do.
Wow. Black, female candidate. That would be awesome...if only she hadn't leaked a confidential file to do it. I'm very intrigued to see where they go with this.
Alesha looked GORGEOUS in that dress she wore to the gala. Utterly amazing.
I kind of like Blake and I can't wait to find out more about him. That Kolinda totalled is car totally made me laugh. But I am definitely intrigued by what Blake knows about Kolinda. This should get interesting.
I do love the episodes they do where the firm has to get something done in a very short space of time. Both last season's one and this one, are favourite's of mine.
Like Diane I wasn't at all sure if the woman had been assulted. While I know that everyone reacts differently to situations and trauma's, but she was so calm and her story didn't quite add up and right up to the moment where they found another woman who had experienced the same thing, I kept going 'yes, she was assulted, no she wasn't assulted' and it broke my heart that she decided to drop it.
I did like it that Carey referred her to Alesha because he did believe her and thought Childs had made the wrong call. It makes him a more interesting character - even if he did try to trap Alesha in that deposition.
And I thought the show did a good job of explaining why women have such a hard time getting believed when they say they've been assulted - especially when it's someone famous. I think they are right - people feel they know famous people and feel they know what they are capable of and whether or not they would do what they are accused of (especially when it's committed by a man who is famous for helping women in third world countries) and therefore judge the person they know nothing about. And then delve into the woman's past and judge her. When the woman said that once the press looked for things to use against her they would find them it made me so sad because it's true. Anything found would have been used against her, used to make it look like what happened to her was her fault. And I liked that the show acknowledged that.
I dunno if I'm enjoying this season as much as the first one, but it's still one of my favourite shows to watch.
Hawaii Five-0 continues to be so, SO gay and I love it. I have to do a separate post about it because my epic squee for Steve/Danny and how awesome I'm finding Kono and Chin would take me forever to do and I want to do it at least a little bit of justice. Plus, I totally have a fic I need to post that is Hawaii Five-O.
I need to watch the first episode of AMCs The Walking Dead. It looks and sounds awesome. Although apparently Andrew Lincoln's southern accent is horrific. I can believe that.
Also, Friday Night Lights is back and I freaking love it. I'm so happy it's back. I'll do a proper review soon because there are things I want to mention/talk about but I'm so tired now that I'm going to bed.
FYI - My favourite TV dad's are, without a doubt:- Eric Taylor from Friday Night Lights, Castle and Danny from Hawaii Five-0.
And some time this week I'll write up Hallowhedon 2 and explain how much fun I had and just how lovely and adorable Alan Tudyk and Tony Head are.
Oh, and I owe replies to people, I will get around to them. Work is just crazy busy at the moment.