Well, it's the end of an era - two era's, really.

Jan 01, 2010 21:35

Well. Holy fuck. I just. Well, I'm an emotional wreck at the moment. From the moment he went up against the President of the Time Lords I was crying.'

The scenes between Wilf and the Doctor and the Master and the Doctor were still my favourite.

Wilf and the Doctor on the ship and their heart to heart was just. It was so powerful. They were both amazing. I think it was so brilliant that Wilf was the one the Doctor confided in and the one who probably understood what he went the most.

I think the banter between the Dr and the Master after Donna is on the phone was hilarious and the fact that the Dr noticed the height difference and calls the Master stupid is SO funny and hilarious.

Also, people, the Dr calls Donna is best friend. My mum can attest to how I squeed at that. And how he made sure she'd always be protected in case anything happens to her.

I thought that the idea that the Time Lords were to blame for the noises in The Master's head was quite brilliant. (Although I'm not sure how the fans of the old Dr Who will take that)

And the fact that he didn't know what the Time Lords had become and the fact that they undo his big plans in less than three seconds. And the fact that the Dr prefers to remember them as the old Time Lords, not the ones he had to stop. The Dr stopped them. I kind of LOVE this idea.

The way they had the four knocks occur I thought was a brilliant plot twist. Did anyone see it coming? Because who didn't think he'd die fighting against the Master or the Time Lords?

But then they make it so personal and, well, perfect. Because as soon as you realise what is going to happen there is no doubt that the Dr who give his life for Wilf and I love that about him but the Dr's eyes and Wilf's broken voice is stunning and amazing and I loved it so much, even as it killed me and made me cry like a baby.

And really, I don't care if anyone else hated it, but the way his reward was making sure his friends are all right.

He saves Martha's life! And how much do I love that Mickey and Martha are married? And when they see him just standing there and I think they both knew that the Dr was going.

And then he saved Sarah Jane's son and she definitely knew that he'd never see Ten again.

And his best friend gets married and he gets her a winning lottery ticket so she is set for life. That was SO sad that he couldn't let her see him but he makes sure she'll be okay without him.

And I even loved how they went back to where the RTD era and DT era's began. In the Rose estate. That had such a completeness and rightness about her.

And then there is the regeneration itself. Watching it through my tears - lots of tears - I loved it.

His last line is brilliant and heartbreaking. We don't want you to go either, Dr.

And then Matt appears. And I like him *g* Well, I already like him but I think the first lines after the regeneration are important. And I loved him. Checking he still had everything, very funny. Thinking he was a girl for a moment. And then knowing there was something he had to remember...until he remembers he's crashing. Yeah, I liked it.

I think Eleven seems awesome. The joy he injects into the word 'crashing' is freaking awesome.

But I have to say that the 'plot' was really rather incidental to the the overall story of the Dr's regeneration. I didn't hate it but I wasn't overwhelmed by it, but at the end of the day I really don't care. The character moments really made this episode for me.

My mum made a good point. Who wrote the regeneration scene? RTD or Stephen Moffat?

You know, when I watch it again, I might change my mind and not enjoy it as much or think that it's not as good, but tonight, it did everything to me I think it was supposed to. I was an emotional wreck and I cried and I loved it

And David's 'not speech' on his last day on set. He SO nearly cried *hugs*

Did anyone see the trailer for the the new season? Holy shit! It looks awesome.

What can I remember?

Well, daleks, naturally.

Alex Kingston - so his wife from the Library episodes.

And, the one that made me SO happy - the statues from Blink. How cool is that?

All I can say is roll on Spring 2010. I can't wait for Eleven to be on our screens for thirteen weeks.

And Matt Smith seems like a sweetie, going by Dr Who Confidential. His smile is adorable.

show:dr who

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