Vampire Diaries and Supernatual

Sep 16, 2009 18:54

Okay, so my prediction for the season is that Vampire Diaries will be the most predictable TV show there is this year.

They have all the subtlety of a sledgehammer!

(What I will say is that all my observations and comments are directwed towards the tv show since I have never read the books.)

I mean, I expected it to be bad. I'd seen the clips at ComicCon and just knew how awful it would be.

I was not prepared for this level of awefulness.

Stefen and Damon remind me of really watered down versions of Angel and Spike. We've seen it all before. And done better.

Do we really need more tortured vampires who just want to be loved and have a peaceful existence? Has it not been done to death (no pun intended)?

It would help if I could work out why all the girls thought Stefen was hot. Because, I'm really coming up short.

I will say that at least Damon had the best lines. Although calling them the best is overdoing it a little. They just sucked less.

Why did they have Damon revealing himself to Stefen so early on? Am I the only one who thinks they would have been better served pulling it out for a couple of episodes. Make it really creepy and actually give us a reason for Uncle Zach to be all pissy, because, really, there was no fucking context in that scene whatsoever.

Do we really need another girl angsting over her tragic life? Granted, hers is pretty awful (dead parents and being in the same crash but surviving, and all) but god, really, another angst filled but loved by all girl is so fucking boring.

She also comes equiped with the ability to fall over her own feet when running away from a fog machine.

The fog. Now that made me laugh. Even when Buffy was playing the fog for laughs in the Dracula episode it was less cheesy and obvious than this.

Everyone loves the heroine (who's name escapes me) but we have no reasons why. At least with Buffy and other shows/books, the heroine was a new girl. You learn about her with the rest of the characters. You see why people like/hate them but if they are estabilshed as being part of a friendship group then you don't get that kind of insight and, unless the actors are very talented, that sucks.

I was very unsurprised when the town slut got turned into a vampire. They could only have been more cliched if they'd had her actually die.

Heroine's fucked up brother is vaguely interesting, but I have to say, I'm kind of rooting for whatever shit Damon has brewing for his brother. That and the annoying blonde girl (who seems to be the Cordelia of the show) who I really rather liked. More than I did either of the girls I'm sure we're supposed to like.

Oh, and best friend, Matt, who is ever so slightly in love with Heroine girl, he's obviously going to be the one who works out Stefen is a vampire and be all pissy about it. So, you know, in other words, he's Xander.

But the dialogue was so clunky. Clunkier than a clunky thing.

If this doesn't follow a completely predictable path, then I'm Shirley Temple.

I just. Enough with the vampire stuff, okay? I get that you want to hit the Twilight fans who lap this kind of shit up, but I've really had it up to here with how banal and predictable it is all becoming.

That rocked.

Really. Wow. I kind of loved it.

Dean being all 'fuck you' to the angels was SO much fun to watch. And he learnt stuff from Cas *G* I possibly squealed at that line.

I'm very intrigued as to who magicked Dean and Sam into the plane. And how freaking hilarious was it to see them sitting on a plane is such 'oh, fuck, this is going to blow!' kind of way.

Swine Flu is a sign of the apocolpse *giggles*

The moment Bobby said he was going to cut Sam out, I knew that was no really Bobby. Bobby#d have called his six kinds of stupid but he'd never abandon Sam.

I kind of fell in love with Chuck in this episode.

Sam's fangirl was bloody hilarious. Her fanfic was terrible but she was funny. The way she couldn't stop touching Sam. The fact that she was SO unimpressed with Dean was also kind of hilarious.

I was very happy that they made Lucifer's vessel so sympathetic. Not only was what he went through horrible, Lucifer's teasing of him with it was creepy as fuck and you could well understand how he could give his permission. I can't wait to see the actor being all Lucifer and, oh, when the boys first see/meet him. Boy, is that going to be fun.

Zach being such a brutal and cold ass was, well, brilliant to watch. I adored Dean saying no. Every single threat Zach threw at him, he said no to. I wanted to give him a big old hug for that one.

The Micheal stuff is intriguing. And no matter what Zach says, Dean is definitely special *g*

Cas kicking ass was SO much fun to see. I really rather enjoyed it. I'm hoping we'll see more badass Cas in the following episodes.

I can't wait to see how Cas evolves through the rest of the season.

I also loved the looks on the brothers' faces when Cas said he'd carved it into their ribs *g*

And then the words between Sam and Dean. I feel for Sam, I really, really do. He thought he was doing the right thing, but was, in fact being used to do the wrong thing and begin the end of the world.

But the one I felt the most sorry for, have always felt the most sorry for, is Dean. Because while Dean has always been there to catch Sam when he fucks up, or to protect him, or whatever, he's there. And there is no-one there for Dean. Not ever.

But he has always trusted Sam. Always. Without doubt. But Sam was the one who turned away from him. I can only imagine how I'd feel if my baby brother ignored my advice, ignored my gut feeling and trusted someone else more than me, let-a-lone a demon.

Of course that's going to change the nature of their relationship. Sammy, for all his good intentions, became too arrogant and fucked up. And his fuck up could end the world. Not only was Dean telling him it was a bad idea to trust Ruby, so was Bobby. In fact, didn't a few others (Angels not included) illude to the very same thing?

Sam became too arrogant and he paid the price. And as sorry as he is, as much as he realises how he fucked up, he doesn't deserve a free pass from Dean. He hurt Dean. badly. But Dean is still with him. He hasn't told him to fuck off. He even tried to protect Sam from knowing how he was feeling. All those times telling Sam that he knew and to shut the hell up.

I think the brothers will be fine. I also think that if it was all cleared up in one episode that'd be damn fucking boring. I think Cas needs to tell them both that Zach fucked with the message left by Dean and that, I think, will go a long way to helping them both.

I can't wait for the next episode *bounces*

Roll on Saturday (MERLIN!!!!! - I already have one fic to post immediately. Hopefully I'll have another as well) and then next week, when practically every show starts back again. Apart from those starting in October, obviously. Or March.

show:supernatural, show:vampire diaries

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