I spent a good portion of the weekend catching up with my various television shows. So, I'm up to date with Criminal Minds, NCIS, Supernatural (holy crap - but more on that later). And I'm catching up on Leverage, The Mentalist and Life.
So, in that vain - spoilers *g*
Wow - were those not just some killer episodes?
Poor Dean. Poor, poor Dean.
Dean being forced to do the one thing he never wanted to again. And Cas's anguish at being the one to make Dean do it. Oh, boys
And how much did I want to slap Sam for saying that Dean could no longer do the job?
I do wonder what Sam's reaction would be if he had seen his brother torturing Alaister.
I think that what Sam fails to understand is that
a) Dean is scared of what's happening to Sam and probably doesn't want to put in a position where he has to use his powers
b) Dean is afraid of himself and what he's capable of once he lets go.
I did love Alister saying 'There's something stuck in my throat. I think it's my throat.'
And bloody hell, but Dean is one scary motherfucker when he's torturing, isn't he?
And Cas. Oh, Cas. I love you. You went all detective. I loved it. And you spoke to Anna and she is still cool.
But Poor Cas asking Anna to tell him what to do. He's just so lost. And feeling so betrayed by Uriel. But when he punched Uriel through the wall? Oh, now that was wonderful.
Dean opened the seal. Oh, hon. It's a truly brilliant twist and I loved it. Although it makes Dean's life all that much shittier. But, in a twisted way, it proves that Dean is a good person. You had to be rightous to open the seal. It had to be a rightous man. I think that was what Cas was trying to tell him when he quoted that only the same rightous man can make it all right again.
(Someone should perhaps tell Sam that only Dean can make this right so he should take a step back and take a good look at himself and possibly go into rehab - do they do rehad for demon blood?)
And Dean at the end. Crying. And Cas just not knowing what to do or say and looking so helpless. They totally ripped my heart out.
Dean as a stockbroker. Fuck, but he was realistic. I loved it.
And Sam was tech support. And he smashed up a phone.
And their surnames were Smith and Wesson *snort*
And Dean being goo at research *G* And was on detox (do you think Cas asked them to throw that one in? Trying to make Dean healthier, if only for a moment?)
Although the best bit was them watching Ghostfacers to get advice that they, themselves gave the Ghostfacers. Fucking genius, man.
Loved meeting Cas's boss, too.
Those first ten minutes are hilarious. Hysterical. Funny. Brilliant. side-splitting. Need I go on?
'As in; Sam slash Dean. As in together.'
The look on Dean's face is priceless.
And them being quizzed on their lives by that girl? SO. DAMN. FUNNY. And she has the same tat as them (what I love about this is, if it's the right tat, then inadvertently, Sam and Dean have protected some of their fans from demonic possession, whether they know it or not). And Dean saying he was crying on the inside.
And then, after all the funny, it becomes absolutely gut wrenching.
Dean should have watched more Buffy. Then he would know that the more you try to avoid a prophecy, the more likely it is to come true.
And Cas appearing to stop Dean getting smitted by an Archangel. Do you think he was all like, 'Give me a sec. I've got this.'?
And Chuck is a prophet and Cas likes his work.
When Cas said, 'you should have seen Luke' it is possible I might have squealed. I think he made a joke (possibly his second in three episodes - the first being about Uriel being the funniest Angel in the garrison.)
But Dean just not knowing how to save Sam. Sam not talking to him and assuming he knows best. What I like about that is that Sam's always been like that to a certain extent. It's just so much more pronouned now that he's drinking Demon blood.
And he prayed. Dean. Prayed. And Cas answered. CAS. ANSWERED. And then proved he can be a sneaky, devious bastard. And I loved it. The tone of his voice and the look on his face just killed me.
And then Sam lied to Dean. AGAIN. You did take the deal, you lying little bastard. Tell the truth for once, would you? And the thing is Sam is a terrible liar and Dean knows he's lying.
What got me wasn't that Sam took the deal (well, self sacrifice is the Winchester way) but that he agreed to killing his brother.
I'm only up to episode seven but I'm still loving it SO DAMN MUCH!
An I the only one who sees Parker/Hardison? because I'm falling for that ship, hard.
The one with the mobster is probably my favourite so far: Elliot can cook!!!
Criminal Minds and Supernatual have both given me plot bunnies - plot bunnies I so didn't need, but I'm going to go with them, naturally *g*
Other parts of my weekend were spent helping my mum in her allotment. Did I mention my mum has bought an allotment? Well, she has. And I've been de-stoning soil. Not the most thrilling thing in the world, I can tell you.
I'm also freaking out about the fact that I haven't started my Merlin bigbang yet. Well, I kind of have now. I wrote 200ish words on Sunday.
I think, because of the bigbang, the fic that was my
reel_merlin will be released in segments as I get it written and betaed.
And I have two other Merlin fics I want to finish.
On the plus side, I am having Thursday off, so I think I'll try and get some writing done then.
Also, good news for me -
tahariel is visiting on Friday *g*
I still need to catch up on Kings and Castle. Seriously, I need more time per day.