Whining and memes

Mar 04, 2009 15:08

So, it's the 4th March, yeah?

Guess what I've decided?

That I'm not a huge fan of the second half of my reel_merlin and I want to...not change it, but significantly change it around. I probably won't be able to do as much as I want to, because, hey, 4 days until the deadline, but I'm certainly going to do some.

I've also decided to add a couple of scenes to the first half.

Why oh why do I like making life difficult for myself?

I keep telling myself that it'll be better because of it.

Now for some memes. All gakked from all over the flist...

Take one sentence from every work in progress on your computer I might not have kept to one sentence exactly.

1) ‘Well, Agent McGee went to MIT’ - a look of distaste pasted over McKay’s face - ‘and I am a MOSSAD agent.’

2) ‘And this is my dad, Rodney. Dad, this is John Sheppard. He sells the books.’

3) John hardly looked up from his book when Rodney threw himself into the chair next to his on the porch. However he did look up when Rodney announced, ‘You have to run for President.’

4) ‘It was good of you to do the interview out here, in the mess.’ Lauren meant it. Although she couldn’t understand why, Sheppard seemed to be adored by his men and they were quite evidently closing in around him, trying to protect him from any scrutiny the IAC or media threw at him. If they thought Nancy was betraying him or selling him down the river, her life would become a living hell.

5) And all because Larrin didn’t know when to quit and John had taken his eyes off Rodney for two minutes.

6) Sheppard hadn’t scheduled a single mission since he and Zelenka had rescued Rodney, but Rodney could tell that he was getting antsy; he obviously wanted to be back out in the field.

7) ‘I don’t think Morgan is the one to ask about obscure statistics, Reid,’ said Hotch, the threat of a smile playing about his mouth.

8) ‘I’m not finished yet,’ ground out Arthur. ‘So, I do what I’m supposed to do, and ignore how I feel because Albion doesn’t want a king who is human, who is fallible, who has weaknesses and desires.

9) As she turned to leave she caught sight of Arthur and stopped cold. He was - and there was no other way to describe it - lurking in the shadows, watching Merlin.

10) In the background, Arthur could hear Merlin arguing with the dragon - Merlin was arguing with a dragon - no wonder he’d never been intimidated by Arthur.

11) The warmth radiating from Arthur was far too comforting and Merlin tried to push away from him.

12) ‘Arthur, people keep quitting because you are such a dragon to them. Merlin, on the other hand, has managed more than fifteen minutes in your presence and still appears sane. He’s hired.’

1) I have never seen The Sound of Music

2) My three favourite films of all time are Stand By Me, LOTR:FOTR and Once Upon a Time in China II (yes, I know, strange that I like two more than one)

3) I am terrible at keeping my garden tidy. Really, really terrible

4) After finishing HP:OoTP at 5am the day it was released, I woke up at 6am to a thunderstorm and for at least a couple of seconds I thought that there were wizards duelling in the driveway

5) I have been on holiday to the US for the last three years running. This year is no different and neither will next year

6) If I had to chose between the Harry Dresden Files and the Alera Codex, I’d chose the Alera Codex

7) The best fireworks display I’ve ever seen was at the Epcot Centre in Disney World during 2000

8) My favourite fireworks display is the one at the end of Cowes’ Week

9) In my mind, the two things worth getting up early for are holidays and sailing

10) In December 2006 I broke my ankle in two places and now it is full of pins and plates

11) I know how to hold a grudge and I can be mean

12) I have a fierce temper. It takes a lot to anger me but when I do get pissed off, it’s probably wise to exit the room pretty sharpish. I don’t know a single person who’s believed me until they have seen it for themselves

13) If I have nothing else to do in a day, I will quite happily read up to three books in that day

14) The three restaurants I always go to while I’m in the US are Fuddruckers, Cracker Barrel and Taco Bell - yes, I know, Taco Bell is so not a restaurant

15) My table and desk are piled high with important papers that I really should sort through, but really can’t be bothered too

16) I prefer fantasy and children’s books to normal, mainstream general fiction. I find their plots better, more interesting characters and they deal with a wider range of issues. I mean, there are exceptions and there is still some terrible children’s fiction out there, but general adult fiction bores me

17) I love and adore yogurt, but especially vanilla. I am also of the opinion that yogurts shouldn’t be chocolate, toffee, cheesecake etc flavoured. These are not yogurt flavours

18) I hate coffee, Brussels sprouts and rhubarb

19) I never saw the appeal of Lost or Heroes

20) I would do anything for my baby brother (the one who is about half a foot taller than me, does martial arts and who is more than happy to let me hit his stomach for fun)

21) My dad has canoed down Everest

22) I have been told by many of my friends that I’m a very private person and I don’t often let people in (although I suspect I’m better online)

23) As a child I used to be madly in love with Mitch from Baywatch and Face from the A-Team and I wanted the KITT from Night Rider

24) I’m a pretty bad asthmatic and am kind of deathly allergic to horses

25) I spent my 24th b’day in the A&E because I went into asthma crisis and had an attack that had been brewing for a couple of days hit me

My user name explained:-

It’s really very easy:-

Iona is my name and Onie was what my dad called me when I was a child. My brother and cousins still call me it. It makes me happy.

fandom:reel_merlin, fic:mine

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