They bombed the UN...

Jan 15, 2009 22:08

...the U fucking N.

What the fuck?

And it's been 20 days - rockets are still being fired - give it up.

Okay, so, from the beginning I just want to make a couple of things clear:-

I think genocide is an unforgiveable thing
The Holocaust was horrific
I don't agree with suicide bombing or firing rockets into an country
War is stupid (not to mention hell)

Oh, and also, I think a good portion of this mess is the fault of the UK because we promised the same bit of land to two different peoples and when it started to go wrong, we turned tail and ran. Go Britain.

With that out of the way...

How can anyone - especially a people who have experienced extreme genoicde themselves - consider over 300 children dead to be acceptable?

How is this helping?

It's been 20 days. If rockets are still being fired, surely you've failed at your objective.

And my god, could you be doing Hamas's job any better for them? They don't need to make up any stories about the evil America and Israel do. It's all there in the pictures of dead children. Perhaps you might want to stop making it damn easy for Hamas to recruit more desperate people looking for a way to make life better for people they love.

All they are doing is radicalising so many more people.

It's just, well, I think I can get why the Palastinians feel like they do.

If I lived in a country or land area, where I was penned in, my movements were controlled by checkpoints, the infulstructure of my government and economy had been destroyed, I lived in fear of being killed every day and I saw my family and friends being shot, blown up and dying of hunger and other diseases, I know I'd hate whoever did that to me.

If this happened to your country, wouldn't you fight back? Or would you sit back and allow someone to continue destroying your country/land?

And when you're a child and you see tanks rolling into where you live? Who do you blame for what you see happeining to your family? The people in the tanks, I do think.

It's a breeding ground for hatred and revenge. It's the perfect recruitment ground for Hamas and other extremist groups.

'Hey, kid, want to get back at the bastards who killed your mother/father/brother/sister/whatevr? Then come with me and I'll tell you how to do it.'

You don't win people over by bombing and killing them. You win them over through hearts and minds. You help them. You show them that you aren't the heartless bastards you're being portrayed as. You do everything to prove Hamas etc wrong by not giving them dream propaganda. Because that's what this is - dream propaganda. You increase the support for Hamas by doing this. It hasn't worked any time in the last 60 years. All it's done is create more hatred and death in the region.

The very definition of insanity is repeating the same action again and again and expecting different results.

And my god, the world reaction has been shit. I'm sorry but if any other country had killed as many civilians in 20 days, the international reaction would have been so much more severe.

Also, you can kill leaders of Hamas, you can deal them short term blows, but they get new leaders and in the long term you give them strength. And you can't pretend Hamas don't exist - it would have been like the UK pretending the IRA didn't exist and trying to get peace in NI without involving Sein Fein.

What happened to the Jews in WWII was horrific and terrible and I still find it terrifying that human beings could do that to each other.

But it's as if the West is still trying to apologise for not doing anything during the Interwar years and WWII. It was considered so inconcievable that people could do that to each other that other nations didn't believe it and the guilt they've been feeling ever since has coloured their response to Israeli actions.

I'm not saying Israel should sit back and let Hamas do whatever it wants, and I'm not saying that Hamas are right. Shit, they aren't. I think this is a complicated and difficult situation and I think revenge has entered so far into the equation that it's difficult to get either side to think even remotely rationally. This is not a situation that has an easy solution and anyone who thinks there is an easy answer obviously don't understand the situation properly.

But do you know what scares me the most? That to the people of my parents generation and older, the Jewish community is a victim, but to the younger generations, Israel is the aggressor. They are becoming the bad guys. Which is possibly the most fucked up thing ever.

To teenagers of today, the Holocaust is history - it's already too far removed for them to be honestly affected by it. On the other hand, the TV makes it very easy to be honestly affected by over 1000 deaths with over 300 of them children. It's nearly impossible to bomb and shell hospitals, schools, UN building and other places and not look like the bad guys.

It reminds me of who those who are abused or bullied then coming those who abuse and bully.

And can I just say the VAT being cut by 2.5% is fucking stupid. Because do you know what is happening? Companies are just putting up their base price (something the govt can't stop them from doing) so that when the 15% VAT is added, the price remains exactly the same. So who the fuck is saving any money?

Also, everyone is making far too much about the Harry and Charles being racist thing. There's political correctness and then there is sheer stupidity.

And could Kate Winslet have been more embarrassing when when accepting her award this week? *cringes*

wtf?, politics:world politics, rant

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