I'm becoming utterly shocked by the way the polls in the Presidential election are going at the moment.
Obama has hit 50 in Florida,
Florida According to the experts, without Florida, McCain can't win.
Obama hasn't just closed the gap on McCain in North Carolina - he's actually hedged ahead.
Obama is ahead in Virginia,
see And here is something I never thought I'd write, Obama is less than 1% behind McCain.
West fricking Virginia Because, as much as I pray and hope that Obama wins, I didn't think he'd even get a chance in hell in states like West Virginia. No wonder the McCain camp has dispatched Palin there (probably also trying to hide her away after she was found guilty of corruption way back in Alaska)
There are other states that are in play that shouldn't be, and states that should be in play that are going a pale shade of blue, but the four states I've mentioned above are the ones making me go 'OMFG, WTF?'
There are rumours that the RNC are going to stop doing joint ads with the McCain campaign and concentrate on the Senators in serious danger of losing their seats.
John Cole talking about the fact that Palin is throwing accusations of terrorist etc at Obama
Who could have imagined that if you take an ethically challenged know-nothing religious nut from backwoods America, have Bill Kristol and the Rove 2000 team whisper in her ear for weeks, that she would turn into a vicious political opportunist with no regard for the country and an eye on her personal future?
Most vetted candidate ever.