Query...sorry, queries

May 25, 2008 16:10

So, I'm writing my bigbang (no surprise there) and I've got a portion (or a couple of portions, really) that are Cadman's POV. Now, everything is going fine because I love writing Cadman but there is one thing I can't decide upon:-

Would Laura refer to Rodney as Rodney or McKay? Both verbally and in her head. I can't decide and it's driving me to distraction, so any opinions people have would be great to hear.

Oh, and while I'm at it, do we have a surname for Nancy now she isn't a Sheppard or can I make one up?

This is going to go one bigbangfreakout too, but I might as well ask here too...

Why do they use the gate in the movie?

I know that they use it in the pilot of SG-1 because they are looking for the personnel that get kidnapped by Aphophis, but I can't for the life of me remember what happens in the movie.

And how many times does Earth nearly get drestroyed in SG-1? All seasons.

There is obiviously the end of season 1 and then there is the astroid in Failsafe, but other than that, my brain is failing me.



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