Ochiyo and Tamora stayed close despite their separate households.
When married to a Family sim this shouldn't come as a surprise, Ochiyo.
This did. Ochiyo was too late in drinking that Insta-Meal, and collapsed.
Thankfully Silim was in the same room, and rushed to please the god of Death.
Ochiyo got to drink the Insta-Meal after all.
The twins grew into toddlers.
They weren't afraid of Lloyd's werewolf state, and he often came over to play.
Soon Ochiyo gave birth to another girl, Mila.
Silim finally got a gold badge in toy-making after weeks of effort.
The kids loved Tamora.
Silim was not as impressed.
Here's Mila again!
Lloyd came by to replenish their food supply.
Was Silim finally getting what he wanted?