Hmm. I've decided before that I'm just going to use this journal for fic writing purposes, but what do you know, I changed my mind XD Just for today though. This counts as my "occasional post about something else other than fic" XD
Not that I'd post much else about real life, but whatever.
- I've finally paid off that stupid credit card for that stupid tv that my stupid brother-who's-not-even-here-to-pay-for-it chose. Cheers.
- While I'm loving the recent chilly weather, it's colder in my room than in any other room in the apartment. I keep waking up at odd hours because my blanket keeps running off.
- Bought 2 eyeglasses, but they're just props. I have perfect vision, but I feel vain so I finally bought them, hehe. Now I can pretend to be a genius even though it actually hurts my eyes when I wear them, simply because I'm not used to them. Yep, genius.
- Last week (or was that last last week?) I got dragged to Atlantic City, because apparently not!relatives wanted to show me their new house, only they had a hidden agenda and I was tasked to handwrite 100++ effing invitation cards. And babysit. I'd say their house was nice, but my hand still hurts I think I'll sue them for their house should I get carpal tunnel later.
- If everything goes according to plan, November AND December are going to be such lovely lovely months ♥
- Gradeschool best friend called, and yada yada, I think I was almost shouting on the phone because she was willing to look into NEWS just for me ♥♥♥ if you do get hooked on them I promise not to label you my future sugar mommy XD
- Someone forgot to turn the faucet off in the ladies room at work today, and left the water running until it filled up half of the sink. If there's anything I really really hate it's people wasting water for no reason.
JE Stuff:
- Aww Ryo and Yamapi. You guys are so overworked :(
- That 24hr tv thing was cute. All the subbed videos were funny, especially the Darts Trip :3
- Randomly visited je_secrets to see if there's anything interesting. The main thing that made me bubble up in annoyance was that secret about Massu being useless. How so? Only thing I can say is, Le Gasp!
- Massu in swimming trunks is HOT STUFF :3
- Tegoshi x Imoto was my OTP last night. Sorry, Massu. Have fic/drabble I've been writing bits and pieces of which involves Tegoshi going on a date with a still-nameless girl, but I think I may have a name now! nyahaha.
- Seriously loving that K-chan news episode where Tegomass were guests. Donna kimi mo ♪ donna toki mo ♪~ ahahaha these boys crack me up!
- I got my Tegomass eco bag and the 24hr tv phone strap! Yay! Well I got it weeks ago. Regarding the bag, I just noticed, Massu drew Tego-cat fatter than Massu-cat. Massu, in denial much? ♥
I'd write down a lot more random babble but I'm tired and want to finish drabbles before I go away again for the weekend, so I will be ending it here.
That's it!