Bow before the Cacao-gods, mortal

Apr 06, 2010 12:15

So, it's been Easter, like. I gave up chocolate and potato crisps for Lent, so of course I've been having CHOCOLATE FOR BREAKFASTTIMES past couple of days. I certainkly have not been left out in the cold by the sugar shack.

Went sailing on the lake on Sunday and finally got to see the elusive dolphins RIGHT UP CLOSE OMG. I was sitting astern and one did the trademark cinematic graceful leap out of the water right behind us, and then proceeded to play around on each side of the yacht's wake, so close and so cool. They're really big up close. This was awesome. Eeeeeee! Got a video of it, here's some stills:

Hey there lil' guy! I'm trying to figure out what species it is, would it be too easy to say bottlenose?

And then the mysterious big shark appeared. You could not have scripted this. Big triangular fin and tail tip headed right toward the port side, then just slid underneath the bow and vanished. Really makes you feel like an intruder in the water, that does. Unfortunately it happened so quick I couldn't get the camera out in time, boo.

I will say one thing though, regarding Easter sugartimez - Cadubury Creme Eggs? Blurf. I ate one and remembered just why I never eat them. It's like a sack of caster sugar walked up to me, punched me in the jaw, and then rammed itself down my throat. Too much, man.

Caramello/caramel-filled eggs, however - aaaawwwwwwww yeah.
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