theoregontrail application

Oct 22, 2011 21:14

AGE: 25
PERSONAL LJ: aliccolo
EMAIL ADDRESS: aliccolo at gmail dot com
IM SCREENNAME AND SERVICE: aliccolo - plurk & aim

NAME: Katherine Elizabeth Bishop, "Kate"
AGE: 17
ABILITIES: Kate has a photographic memory.  She is also an Olympic level archer and is trained in fencing and various forms of combat.
CHARACTER BACKGROUND: Katherine Elizabeth Bishop was born in New York City to Eleanor and Derek Bishop. Her father, Derek, was a fabulously wealthy and well known publishing magnate and rival of J. Jonah Jameson. Her mother, Eleanor, was a socialite of sorts, though most of her time was spent doing charity work and helping those less fortunate than the Bishop family. Eleanor encouraged both Kate and her older sister to donate their time and money to those in need, and Kate developed a strong sense of social responsibility. Kate also developed a love of archery and fencing, and other methods of combat, though she mostly used her skill for sport, and never in actual battle. Growing up, Kate also had a minor obsession with the Avengers and their adventures.

Kate's life took a drastic twist when her mother was violently murdered. Kate was only thirteen at the time, and she struggled to cope with the shocking turn of events. She buried her sorrow in charity work, volunteering in missions and at soup kitchens in the evenings after her archery lessons, often taking walks through Central Park on her way to and from her posh private school. It was on one such night, roughly six months after her mother's death, that Kate found herself attacked in the park, beaten and assaulted by a stranger. Ashamed and frightened, she vowed to never let anyone put their hands on her again. She began more intense combat training under the guise of self-defense, improving on her natural archery and fencing skills to add sword and dagger fighting to her repertoire, as well as kickboxing and other martial arts. She also spent many hours with her psycho-therapist sorting out her mind, though many of her assault-related issues remain unresolved.

Her first real encounter with superheroes comes on the evening of her sister Susan's wedding. A group of gunmen storm the church, taking the entire wedding hostage. Things become rather chaotic when the newly formed Young Avengers arrive to rescue everyone, and Kate tries to join in the fight. She winds up having a gun pressed to her temple, but is able to free herself using one of Patriot's discarded throwing stars. Her ordeal lands her on the evening news, and that night at the hospital, she meets Cassie Lang, daughter of the late Scott Lang, better known as Ant Man. The two girls invited themselves to join the Young Avengers, infiltrating the YA's hideout in the ruins of the Avenger's Mansion.

Later that evening, when the YA were captured by Iron Man, Captain America, and Jessica Jones, Kate, the only non-powered member of the group, was left to go free, while the others were locked up and have their costumes and weapons confiscated. Kate was able to free her new friends by watching Iron Man type in his key codes. She is also able to raid the ruins of the mansion for weapons and supplies, helping herself to Swordsman's swords, Black Widow's belt, Mockingbird's staves and mask, and Hawkeye's bow and arrows. Her ragtag costume, worn over her bridesmaid's dress, earns her the disparaging nickname Hawkingbird, which she absolutely refuses to answer to. Despite her combat skills and ingenuity, she isn't officially asked to join the YA until after the battle with Kang the Conqueror, and though the YA proved themselves to be capable in battle, the group is disbanded and are told never to wear their costumes again by Iron Man and Captain America.

But that didn't sit too well with Kate. Using her allowance, and an abandoned warehouse belonging to Bishop Publishing, Kate sets up the Young Avengers with new costumes and a new secret hideout. She also promoted herself to deputy-leader of the YA following Patriot's brief departure.

It is following a Skrull-Kree battle in New York City that the adult superheroes seemed to take the YA seriously. During the battle, Patriot is gravely wounded while protecting Captain America. While Cap begins preaching at the kids, lecturing them on leading normal lives, Kate is the only one to stand up to him, telling him that if he and Iron Man had trained the Young Avengers, like they had asked them too, then maybe Patriot's injuries could have been avoided. Patriot did make a full recovery, and Captain America, apparently found something to latch onto in Kate's speech. Soon after, Kate is presented with a package containing a bow and arrows, and a letter addressed to Hawkeye. Cap informs her that the only one who ever talked back to him the way she did was Clint Barton, and that she should carry on as Hawkeye in his memory.

The break out of the Civil War was a major turning point for Kate and the rest of the YA. The Young Avengers always closely guarded their identities, only revealing their real names to each other, to Iron Man and Captain America, and to Jessica Jones. They found themselves arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D. just after midnight on the morning registration became law, only to be liberated and recruited by Captain America and the secret Avengers. The YA worked alongside the resistance, though they also fought alongside the Runaways, battling Noh-Varr, and gaining themselves new, similarly aged allies.  Well, kind of.

The rest of the Civil War plays out with Kate being her stubborn self and refusing to budge on anything.  She and Patriot continue to operate outside the spectrum of the Superhuman Registration Act for awhile, and at some point in there she meets Bucky and develops a small, insignificant crush on him.  Later she meets Clint Barton in his new Ronin disguise and they have an archery contest, resulting in her losing her (well... his...) bow to him.  She steals it back, with the help of Speed, and she and Patriot start to see each other as possibly boyfriend & girlfriend.

The events of Secret Invasion occur soon after, and following their battle against some Skrull invaders, Norman Osborn’s Dark Reign was set in motion.  The Young Avengers, reunited since the end of the Civil War, were now faced with a new team of foes; a group of super powered teenagers who had taken the name Young Avengers for themselves.  The confrontation with these new kids on the block resulted in a battle against Osborn’s Dark Avengers, with the YA ultimately triumphing and reclaiming their name.  The events of Siege shortly afterward saw Kate and Eli temporarily entombed under the ruins of Asgard, though they were able to rejoin their team mates and the battle against Norman Osborn shortly after.

CHARACTER PERSONALITY: Kate Bishop has no solid connection to the original Hawkeye other than her own learned skills and personality. She wasn't trained by Hawkeye, she wasn't a sidekick, she isn't a relative. After receiving Hawkeye's bow and the blessing of Captain America, she just declared herself to be Hawkeye, fashioning her own costume and taking to the streets as a masked hero. She has what some might call delusions of grandeur. Since she was sixteen, all she ever wanted was to be an Avenger. She will let nothing stand between her and her goal, not even lacking superpowers entirely.

Kate is the type of person who refuses to take no for an answer. She is loud, bossy, persistent almost to a fault, and confident in her own abilities and skills. In a world populated by superhuman heroes, she's just a regular human being, and she refuses to let that be held against her in anyway.  She works hard, she thinks and talks fast, and she's quick to take action. It might be noted that she has issues with authority. She doesn't like being told what to do, by anyone, be they teachers, classmates, or Captain America himself. Kate will stand up for herself every time, and she will not back down from a fight. This sometimes translates as foolish or reckless behavior.

And she has quite an ego. She doesn't like being wrong. She can seem stubborn, pigheaded, and sometimes like a bully, though she doesn't mean for it to seem that way. She just will not accept that things won't always go her way. She is a natural leader, charismatic, persuasive, and very good at problem solving.  And she has genuine compassion for her fellow man.

She is often perceived as a spoiled rich girl, having faced no substantial obstacles in her life. It is true that her childhood up to age thirteen was idyllic and the picture of upper class perfection. But even before the death of her mother and the assault committed against her, Kate was always aware of the injustice and pain in the world around her. She can come across as spoiled, having access to vast amounts of money, though she is extremely generous and known for her acts of mercy and kindness. She donates her time and money endlessly, supporting worthy causes and volunteering in homeless shelters and soup kitchens. She truly enjoys helping others, whether as Kate Bishop the heiress, or as Hawkeye the vigilante.

Having been a victim of a violent crime, she still has residual issues stemming from that.  At age 14, Kate was assaulted in Central Park, left beaten and traumatized by the event.  This was a turning point in her life, resulting in her view on the world and on men shifting.  She doesn't like to be touched, and she never wants to feel as weak and vulnerable as she did then.  But rather than focusing entirely inward, Kate focused on improving her combat skills in order to prevent other girls from being attacked as she was.  Still, the trauma is fresh in her mind, and she isn't open about discussing it with anyone.  She never speaks openly about the trauma of her assault, and very few people know it even happened.  The only two people aware of the situation are her therapist and Jessica Jones.
WORLD: The Marvel universe is nearly identical to modern Earth with one big difference: the presence of superheroes.  There are aliens, mutants, radioactive spiders, and other forms of superhumans.  These people with superpowers sometimes put on masks and capes and attempt to save (or destroy) the world.  The technology is somewhat more advanced than ours, but aside from that, it's basically Earth: 2011.

The City, it was called.  The City.  Not New York.  Not Manhattan Island.  Just the City.  Kate had heard people call it that before, but they were usually suburbanites, or old people.  People who couldn’t keep up with the bustle and noise that was NYC.  To hear the automated voice refer to it as such seemed a little out of place.  Enough so that it stuck out in Kate’s mind.  She’d make a note of it for later.

For all intents and purposes, this City was an awful lot like New York.  The skyline was more or less the same, and from where she was standing, it appeared that most of the buildings were in their rightful places.  But something was off.  Something seemed to be glaringly absent.  Communicator and dog tags securely pocketed, Kate set out to do some investigating of her own.

It didn’t take very long for her to realize what was wrong.  There was no trace of Bishop Publishing anywhere in the town, and as such, the abandoned warehouse that served as home base was now housing knock-off designer handbags.  Normally, Kate was all for busting up a criminal ring, but she was far too distracted to worry about that immediately.

Okay, no Bishop Publishing.  If that didn’t exist in this world, did that mean her family didn’t exist either?  And if her family didn’t exist, then her friends probably didn’t exist here either.

Now that was an unpleasant thought.  Unpleasant enough that it made Kate grimace, trying to force back the slight wave of panic that was rising within her.  What would she do without the others?  Sure, she was a hero, even before the mechanical mystery lady pulled her out of her home universe and into this new one.  But she’d been a hero with a team.  Her friends were important to her, and they gave her a sense of purpose.  She could be loud and bossy and sometimes rude, and she’d feed off the encouragement and energy they gave her.  Of course she was a hero and could be one on her own, but part of her perhaps didn’t want to.

She’d get through it, she had to.  She always did, didn’t she?  She was Hawkeye.  Cap had given her that name and bow, and Clint Barton had given her his blessing.  She had an obligation to be as good as she could be, to always give her best, to take every shot she could.  She wasn’t about to let a little case of solitude stop her from doing her duty.

Perched on the roof of a warehouse across the way from her old one, she fished the communicator from her pocket, turning it on with a determined look on her face.

FIRST PERSON: [The video feed turns on to show a dark haired teenage girl with purple sunglasses and a quiver full of arrows strapped to her back peering into the camera.]

This is Hawkeye of the Young Avengers.  I’ve just happened on a warehouse full of stolen goods along with a bunch of goons loading them into trucks.  I understand this may not rank too high on your list of things to do today, and I totally don’t mind going in there by myself, but if anyone wants to lend me a hand, I’d really appreciate it.

[She looks away from the camera then, gaze cast beyond the communicator as she peeks over the top of her sunglasses.]

I mean, we’re supposed to be heroes, right?  And heroes gotta do heroic things, like take down the bad guys. Even if they’re just small time crooks and not terrorists hell-bent on destroying the world.

[There’s some clattering heard off-screen, along with some yelling. Kate bristles and draws an arrow from her quiver, growling as she leaps out of sight.]

Aw, crap. Avengers Assemble. As in, right now!

NOTES:  App is recycled from my capeandcowl application.

!theoregontrail, !application

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