Aug 17, 2006 14:39
Still no interwebs at home, which is becoming increasingly frustrating because I can't delete things from my gmail account, and I can't take the time for a real update.
So: yesterday was a LOVELY dinner with the guys... dramas phree too!
tonight: Star wars-- jedi 4/scout 2. . . should be fun!
friday: Summer Shack for dinner, and then SNAKES ON A PLANE with the other guys :)
saturday: Bill and I stay in and clean the house. Do not tempt me with offers of other options (please tempt me) NO! bad. Must clean the house and do laundry.
sunday: Promethean? oh crazy crazy promethean.
Monday: il soir for dinner with steph, mel, scotty, bill.
tuesday: no plans as of yet.
wednesday: PR atleast... maybe DA:Fae? what do you say mike?
thursday: I know Jonah and April wanted to have us all over for dinner and a movie at their place at some point next week (I love April, I like her more each time we get together) So maybe thursday, or tuesday.
Friday: Too far ahead! I don't know what is happening this far in advance.
Update on Bear pending.