a real post, with details and gaming and whining...

Nov 15, 2006 09:41

I have new icons! I haven't uploaded a lot, and some of them are just bases I want to alter, but I put them in there anywho; because I wanted to last night :D

(on a side note, ever see someone post to an icon community that makes you want to scream at them for having low res icon quality and shitty brush work? I mean c'mon srsly. I've made some "poor" icons, but I'm not totting them around on a community as if they are the "best things ever" sheesh!)

Getting back to my first point, I have to resist my urge to totally load myself up with disney icons (even though they make me happy) and try to remember all the times I've thought "I wish I had an icon that..." and find or make icons that will fill that need. Also, I have lists of icons steph and I have said we should have/make so I can work on some of those as well!

I am tired tired tired tired tired tired tired. I haven't been going to bed early enough--and for no real reason either. It's a damn shame... well, tonight after Timely Advice I am going straight to bed. Don't let me say anything otherwise.

Life has just been *really* intense lately. Not that I haven't loved every single minute of it, but if it's not one thing, it's another, if it's not another it's gaming and I (yes, me! and I can't believe I'm going to say this) NEED SOME 'ME' TIME! I haven't read anything in weeks, I haven't drawn or painted in a month or longer... I haven't been singing. I don't usually get that desire to retreat. I want to be active and surrounded by people all the time, but it's like I went from being really not busy at all (I said at that point, here in this journal, that I wanted to be "a full one third more busy") but now I'm TOOO busy; and with us rounding the corner into holiday crunch time, and gaming bubbling to a head on all fronts around me I don't think things are going to truely "let up" anytime soon.

And I'm not *actually* complaining... I really am enjoying everything! I love the way that things are going for me! I've even lost the "turning 25" wangst I was having a month or so ago... What I want is a day off. A day when I'm not working and I don't see anyone and I don't leave my house and I don't do any chores... If I could have that, I think I would be all set for another couple of months (that's all I really need, just to recharge my batteries) I'm totally prattling nonsensically now, so I'm going to move on...

Last night was FUN! teenjustice is going to be a blast! I think we've ended up with a really good group of players for it too :) and I was pleased to see that we lined up pretty naturally on the "what lvls of what" kind of questions (you know: what % of population should be meta? when should it be set? Where do we sit on the silly/gritty scale? etc.) It was really good. And I love all the character concepts!
editswlonghair: and his "Major Patriot" (is that right? something like that) blonde hair, crewcut, blue eyes, square chin, post 9/11, neocon, captain of the football team living out his grandfathers legacy super. (senior)
rayan4d2: and his Japanese foreign exchange student, Koji (no supers name yet), living in John's characters house, with his powers to influence and manipulate technology and martial arts skills, and something about DDR hopefully. (senior)
mebib: and her "new student" who used to be a panther, and was experimented on by a "supersekrit government agency" so she can now turn human and transform into other animals as well- who has never lived a day among humans and is being sent to highschool to become "socialized". (freshman)
emilytheslayer: and her daughter of a former minor hero, "Quiver" who is being pushed by her mom (her *stage mom* kind of mom) to be the best, get top billing, land that endorsement deal, win win win win go! And is trying to rebel in her own way and balance real life with meta life... even though she herself is not meta.(sophmore)
mgrasso: Emo Boi Mystic "Slate" He does magics and all his traits are based on emo song lyrics-- need I say more? (junior)
ioianthe(me!): and my orphaned outsider goth girl Clair (no supers name yet) whose only desire in life is to protect her little brother Daniel, she can burst spikes of bone through her skin (and probably shoot them) but she doesn't like to do it. New to the school (junior).

Speaking of which, any *IDEAS* for a super name? Everything I come up with seems sort of stupid. (this is my least favorite part of supers stuff, I SWEAR to GOD)

teen justice, bad things, good things, personal, gaming, icons

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