Assembly... and a Thank You!

Mar 06, 2009 13:02

The last few days I have spent assembling various bits and bobs for the wee one.

Yay for Fisher Price and easy to put together items. They potty was easy-peasy.

Boo for Little Tikes! It took me ages yesterday to put together the Zebra Rocker/Scooter. It would have been easier had they not forgot a vital bit for assembly. Lilbuff loves it though, so I am sure it was well worth my frustration at having to make do without!

Another BOO for Little Tikes as I literally got stuck putting together LilBuff's new bed. We ALMOST went for a simple pine single bed, but found a GREAT DEAL on Adventure Toys for a transition cot bed. It is a Thomas The Tank Bed/ToyBox. Can I just say what a royal pain in the ass it is? It is a great concept to slot peices together, as it ensures a secure frame. I am afraid though with the bed itself made out of plastic... it is not an easy feat to do. I ended up getting a hammer and beating the hell out of it. STILL DIDNT WORK. So, I read the directions further to see if I could skip it and move on with out messing me up later, and sure enough I could! So despite it showing a cartoon guy using his hand to push it into place... HA! I am leaving it for my none cartoon husband to see if he can manage. purplehez be ever so thankful that I am impatient and didnt leave the bed for you to assemble. A nightmare. Hopefully we will get it finished this weekend and can have some play time on it with LilBuff. Our step one plan to getting him used to sleeping in his own bed!

I want to take a moment to give a great BIG THANK YOU
to anniz for the lovely snowflake and heart ornaments! They are too lovely to use just at Christmas, so I am using them as Bottle decorations! I may end up slipping them over the neck of a vase in the guest room a little later, but like the way it compliments the bottles in the kitchen just now! So, again.. thank you they are lovely! :)

thrashgrrrl it was good to speak to you last night, will catch up with you in a week or so. :) Cant wait to meet for a cuppa...

friends, gifts, furniture, bba

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