I think I am coming down with something...

Mar 14, 2008 08:30

I only have a moment. Lil buff is curled up in my bed with a bottle. He was on the breast since about 4 am, but kept spitting me out and I would have to help him latch on again. I can tell you I was really annoyed. Seeing as C and I had only been in the bed for 45 minutes before lil buff woke up.

We had all fallen asleep on the sofa in the lounge. Poor C will be dragging ass today. I have been feeling a little off the last few days. Today I have a hint of a sore throat. This is not good I tell you. I am going to try and nap as much as possible today.

I must say I go from no life at all aside from baby to many things at once. I got invited to go with purplehez and thrashgrrrl to a booksigning in Glasgow. I also met someone on Freecycle and have tentative plans for Saturday afternoon or Sunday MOrning. Then C made plans for one of his friends to come round and meet me and the baby on Sunday. ACK. So much going on. I fear that I will end up doing none of it. I need to stay well. I cant risk getting the baby sick on top of myself. I am going to stay in and rest. I dont think I even have time to get any money to purplehez so she can get me an autographed book. Grrrr. I ran out of time. Isnt it funny how you set out to do something, and it just doesnt get done. I am lucky that I am able to get dressed some days. Ahhh, the joys of being a new mother! Please tell me it gets better?

The Il's are leaving to go on holiday over the weekend and wanted to see lilbuff before they left so I had them round for a bit in the afternoon. Then I went and ran some errands. I made a list since these were items I had forgotten the day before. DOH. I had almost made it out of the store before I went back for some items I forgot again. and I had a list this time You want the kicker? I still managed to forget 2 items. I had to call C and ask him to get them. I will have to go back out though. One of the items we usually get a couple a cases of. And well, C cant carry that walking from the lil shop down the hill. Seeing as that means he would be carrying it uphill all the way!

I have been corresponding with my ex. since the summer. I dont know if you remember I was getting emails on myspace from someone claiming to be him. We met people at the same time, I had C and he had some woman we will call PA-psycho. We were good friends when we split, very supportive of one another. As we both got more involved with the new people in our lives, we spoke less and less, but we still spoke. UNTIL PA-psycho said she wasnt having any of it. So, we stopped talking. It killed me. C is not a jealous person. He figures if I am going to cheat or do anything unscrupulous then I am not the woman for him. That is how we have always been. He was not threatened in the slightest by my friendship with my ex. Long story short, PA-psycho gives all woman a bad name. She cut out all his livelihood. NO art, no music, no bike rides... nothing. She stripped him of who he was, and made him feel trapped. He married her before all this happened. IN the end, he was living out of his car. So, the week of my wedding I contacted him about Brit. I had left my number. Then the first week I was in Scotland, I was checking messages online from my Vonage phone and saw a message from him. We ended up friending one another on myspace, and his new GF as well. It is just nice to have the friendship back.

So, I am hardly ever on any communities now that lil buff is born and we have moved to straight emailing. My life here is full of 24/7 of being a mom, and pretty lame on anything else. So, I confess I devour my FL, and any scrap of mail I get... email/post...even bills. So, if anyone wants to take pity on me and start emailing... I am game. I would offer to be a penpal... but as webgirluk will tell you, I am great at writing letters, just crap at mailing them. I still have one I started to her last winter in my backpack that I need to finish and mail back. So... no. Post is out. Unless you want the odd letter months or *ahem* years later! Email I would be quicker with. I can type fast (excuse teh typos) and can usually get a minute online to write back.

I would offer to text.. but 2 reasons why not.

1. I never have the phone with me,


2. the damn thing always wakes the baby. I cant sort that phone out!

Anyways... I am open for email. Ioevri1@livejournal.com, go on... you know ya want to help keep me sane. Although, I have a feeling this will go over as well as the phone option I put out there ages ago. :( Still missing american accents if anyone wants to phone my US phone number.


ok, baby is asleep, I am going to try and join him.

health, c, rwe, bba

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