well... I knew that was going to happen

Jan 15, 2008 10:53

I finally fell asleep right as C was getting up, which only would give me an hour so I could have time to eat and such. If I dont eat a few hours before I go in, they b*tch about my sugars being high, and well right after you eat... they are high.

I am in a F-it mood though because I didnt get up when C left, I drifted back off to sleep.


Granted I needed the sleep. But now that I have eaten it leaves me with ten minutes to get showered and dressed and out the door, including ringing a taxi!

So that is me, gone until later this afternoon. The way I figure it, they always make me wait anyways... :P

Very grouchy today. Oh, did see a commercial for torchwood starting tomorrow night, so I predict my lil rugrat will come so that I cant watch it. LOL We have no way to tape it and I have been looking forward to it beginning. So, if this kid wants to be a pain to mommy rather than daddy... will come before that show starts. Seeing as baby didnt come over weekend where it would have been bad for daddy.

Ok, I am off...

health, sleep, bba

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