cant think of a title.

Jan 04, 2008 13:47

I woke up early this morning around five or so, and was up until about 6:30, I then crawled back in bed with C. Just not enough sleep. He got up about 7:30 and headed out late this morning, but not before waking me up! He is a door slammer when he is rushing out. Hard to sleep. he forgot change for the bus so he came back for more door slamming. I gave up came downstairs, checked my sugars, made breakfast, and settled in for a nap... still so tired.

I got awoken at quarter to one by the nurse that had to leave before my appointment yesterday. I dont think she was happy with a barely awake me giving one word answers. TOUGH.
I am suppossed to go into town and run some errands do a bit of grocery shopping, but I am staying in. I did so much running around that I really need today to recover. I also had a the Uk version of the Rhogam shot. I think that is contributing to this blah feeling as well. Oh, and probably the fact that I was sneezing all day yesterday might have something to do with it.

who knows, maybe this is how you feel 24 hours before you go into labor Anyone remember how they felt BEFORE labor started?

Anyways, time for me to go eat. Maybe that will help me feel more alive and have some energy. Instead of feeling like I have a touch of the flu... just so knackered. :(

Sorry to anyone who was expecting an email or comment off me. Good to know though, I can still manage my scrabble moves, although they take me three times as long to make! (brain is at half mass today!)

ok, later peeps.

hope you are a having a better day.

moods, health, bba

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