LJ crashes my machine when I try to post... 'an illegal operation has been performed'

Aug 20, 2007 09:10

This morning I was going through my spam filter.  I dont normally but since I am waiting for international move quotes, eh...

Anyways, I came across this subject line which was too funny to share: "Jill XXXXXX, Flavor of Love needs YOU"  I had to laugh.

Day three of the yard sale complete.  Heather and her hubby Jon came over and helped me move some heavy furniture.  After I had packed up last night, some of my neighbors came over last night and bought some items.  That helped.  Today I call to see about charity trucks coming to take the rest away for tax write off.  HOWEVER, I need to break down the beds and have them ready to go as well some other miscellaneous furniture.   THat being said, anyone local who knows where I live, if you want to come by... I have stuff going really inexpensively.  I would rather see things go to people I know than to be carted off to who knows where.

Other things I need to do today:
-reschedule my Dr's Appt
-bank deposit
-check  R.Shack for more boxes
-Call VET again about Brit
-relax from the weekend
-speak to sister to see if she ordered Flower Girl Dress.  (am a little annoyed that they are trying to pick a different dress than the one I want her to wear, AND a color that wont match the rest of the wedding party.  Annoys me.  A LOT.)

Last night I sneezed.  I am not sure if you can get a hernia from it, but damn, I was in pain from it for about a half hour.  Only other interesting things from last night were my dreams and the power outage.  First, I will say there is nothing scarier than being awoken because you cant get air.  Terrifies me every time it hapeens.  Also,I have been dreaming most nights for the past few months.  Last night in my dreams I was on the phone with my friend in Germany .  She yelled at me.  I think in the ten years or so that we have known each other we have never yelled at one another.  I ended up crying.  I cant remember what she was yelling at me about, but when I was awoken with the telephone- I felt as if  the tears were still running down my checks.  Just strange.

IN other news, C straightened out a problem from Friday and I am relieved.  Also, he spoke with the Solicitor today and a property agent will be by to take photos to list his flat.  Yeah, so hopefully since the market is great over there right now, it will sell quickly.

Tired.  Going to relax for a little bit before I start the phone calls.

email, move, health, to do, sleep

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