(no subject)

Dec 31, 2001 14:13

My palace is going to be cool. Panic is making scripts for it, and at the moment Junie is being converted into a bot. :P But, also, there is going to be a credit card system. You sign up, get a credit card, and the credit card gives you money for every day you go to work (something like that), and you can spend that money on going to a cafe, a theater, a bar... even La Beautique and Macys. Plus Starbucks. A wash place (Washer's Wash); a bank; and a post office. There are, so far, 7 houses, and over twelve people can stay in 'em all. I plan to make more. And if my palace is a hit - well, way more.

I'm not sure, but my idea for just school has been converted to a whole town... maybe I could have it so people are required to go to school a certain number of times; and they even get money for good grades, which they can spend on all the various shops, as well. They earn money, become rich, etc.

Doesn't this sound like a cool idea? :P

On another note, my dad went to get some Kentucky Fried Chicken. He should be here soon... I'm hungry. *_*

For breakfast, I had the last bowl of Afghani rice from my birthday party. I got out a spoon; I ate some rice. Then, as I was thinking how good it tasted, I stared down at the spoon...

The dirty spoon. -.-;; I had eaten rice from an extremely dirty spoon. Eck. :P

C'mon, dad, bring the food.
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