(no subject)

Oct 24, 2006 12:09

Hello from the happy mum!!!!!!!!!!!

How are you sweeties?!? I know it's been long to write, but I can't find so much free time with the
baby.......!!!!!!!!! I am sure, and I hope that u understand me..............:O)

Well, my life, our life has changed a lot!!!!!! ANDREAS brought happiness in our life, and that made
us soooo HAPPY and EXCITED with him around us!!!!!!!!!!!!! We became a SILLY PARENTS that
can't leave him alone a minute..... We are watching him when he is sleeping: he is like an angel:O)
You have to feel that feeling, it's a wonderful feeling being a mum to a little baby, and taking care of
him is wonderful........
Andreas is a very sweet baby... He has COLICS now and that makes him suffer a lot, and I cry when
I see him crying a lot and suffering from them. The doctor gave us some medicines, we changed some
things we used to give him ,and now we are hoping he is better....... Unfortunately I dont have plenty of
milk so that to breastfeed him, but I take off the little  I have and I give it to him b4 the other milk...... The 
doctor also weighted him and in 10 days he weighted 3,5 kg and he has grown up in tall 3 points as he
was born 48cm and he is now 51 cm........:O) We really enjoy taking care of him, and it's adorable when
we make him shower: HE REALLY LOVES IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:o)
ok, I dont have plenty of news, just this for now....... I am also posting some more photos, and I will also
upload some new one we took at home........:O)


Love you always Ioanna!!!!!!!!!!

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