Books, Fic, and (Of Course) Ioan

Jun 19, 2010 20:15

Yeah, another list of random stuff. One day I will make a real post again, I swear.

*While Hornblower/Ioan stuff has always been my main fandom, I have a few smaller ones. One of them is Hellsing, which I have mentioned several times on this blog (hell, I have a tag for it). My love for it was sparked by the anime, (specifically by the voice actor for Alucard; the man's voice is like silk) but I've been buying and reading the manga as well. For years, I was convinced that no English language version of the last volume existed, because it was never in bookstores. Since people seemed to know what was happening, however, I assumed they were reading fan translations.

A few days ago, I found Volume 10, the last copy the bookstore had, in English. My collection is finally complete, the ending is satisfying, and now I know what I have to look forward to in the anime. Win-win all around, I'd say.

*Speaking of Ioan...I am ashamed to admit that I spent more time than necessary today combing the internet for information on who he was voicing in a recent "Family Guy" episode. Yes, Ioan did work for "Family Guy"; specifically, an episode where the men of the series go on a quest to find the source of a dirty joke. Ioan is credited, but no name given--not in the credits, not on wikipedia, not on IMDB, nowhere. It's extremely frustrating, made even more so because my Ioan recognition system has failed me. I watched the episode, and none of the characters sounded like Ioan, British or American. So either his American accent is getting better, or It's been too long since I've heard him. To be honest, it's probably a mixture of both.

(I guess now would be a good time to mention that Ioan's done another bit of voicework recently that I absolutely refuse to see, because a) his character dies, and b) said character is part of a superhero team nicknamed "The Plumbers", which leads by word association to Ioan/Horatio in the Super Mario Brothers universe, something that would be distracting to say the least.)

*I have a cracky Hornblower OTP, and asked a while back on following_sea if anyone was interested in reading it. There was some interest, and I wanted to start writing it at once, except...suddenly the story is fighting me. I know exactly how I want the story to go, and the pairing itself still makes sense, but every sentence I type just seems off. I think the problem is due to my desire to make the story historically accurate, plus grappling with the fact that one half of the pairing is in danger of turning into a Mary-Sue. The people of following_sea are really nice and I don't think they'd flame me, but I'd really like the story to be well received; I guess I'm just overstressing the issue.

*I've been reading too many period piece books lately; instead of writing Hornblower fic, or my comic book series, or anything like that, I've been planning out my novel for National Novel Writing Month. Yes, despite the fact that it's six months away. I've had this story in my head for some time, but only now do I feel like I can write it, and I need the 30 day deadline to keep me from drifting away from it. I will be so glad when the first of November rolls around and I can finally get all this down on paper.

Obviously, nothing too exciting is happening on my end. What about my Friends List?

writings, hellsing, life, ioan news

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