I'm going off on vacation for a few weeks, and my internet access will be limited. But I have a little unfinished LJ business, so I decided to wrap it up before I go.
First, I need to post the answers to the music meme; it might not have been completed but I might as well officially end it.
1. Garbage
2. Theory of a Deadman
3. Kelly Clarkson
4. N'Sync
5. Weird Al Yankovic
6. Stan Freberg
7. Marnie Nixon
8. Depeche Mode
9. De Palmas
10. Plastic Bertrand
11. Charlotte Church
12. Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor (from Singin' in the Rain)
13. Frank Sinatra
14. The Beatles
15. Priscilla
16. Evanescence
17. Jerry Orbach
18. Danny Elfman
19. Seether
20. Nickelback
Secondly, I agreed to do ANOTHER Meme thanks to
bumble_85 , and I've put it off long enough. You've seen this meme before; you're tagged with five things the tagger associates with you, and you have to explain them. However, since I have a one-track mind, Bumble could only come up with four. That's ok, I came up with one on my own.
Ah, where to begin? He's been a part of my life for eight or nine years now, and is directly responsible for some of my elaborate projects/embarrassing moments.
I'd already wanted to be a writer when I first saw him in Hornblower; Ioan simply galvanized me into action and got my muses (or if you prefer, plot bunnies) moving. The result was my first story, which was a god-awful piece of fanfiction that would have been completely torn to shreds on
badfic_quotes . However, I was unaware of this at the time, as I was only just learning the conventions of fanfiction.
I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that Ioan or a variant of one of the characters he's played has appeared in most of the stories I write, be it straight-up fanfiction or something more original. I suppose you could call him my muse. However, said muse often inspires me to heights of ridiculousness; Learning he would be playing Reed Richards in Fantastic Four, I started writing a little one-shot story. Five years later, that one-shot has expanded into 670 pages of comic-book scripts and (if I can get another dose of inspiration) will ultimately comprise 92 issues. However, since it's too ridiculous to actually submit to Marvel Comics, and I can't draw, even if I actually finish it, it will actually be a waste of effort.
Since I've had a crush on Ioan for so long, I've moved past seeing him as simply one of the Characters he plays, and I've come to love and admire the person he is. When I read or watch interviews with him, he comes across as a sweetheart with a sense of humor, two qualities I like in a man. The fact that he's gone on record admitting he remained a virgin until he was 22 and emotionally ready makes me respect him, as we don't hear stories like that much nowadays.
In short, calling myself the High Priestess isn't that far off; in many ways, Ioan IS my God.
I'm a bit surprised Bumble associates this with me, as I don't talk about films often (unless I'm commenting on movies Ioan's slated to be in). But the truth of the matter is that I love movies in general. I don't go to theaters often because of how expensive it's become, but that's where the magic of DVD comes in. At this very moment, I have 38 movies in my bedroom alone. I also take it upon myself to watch a movie once a week and write a review about it. I read books on filmmaking techniques and once spent an entire summer watching silent movies with my father. I get just as much pleasure reading movie reviews as I do, say, ogling Ioan pics.
So I'm not just casually interested in them because it's Ioan's job; they're a major part of my life, one I oddly don't talk about much here.
As stated above, Ioan's performance in Hornblower was what started me off on a life of fangirling. He just looks so good in that naval uniform (although he cannot wear hats to save his life; every single hat he wears in that series looks ridiculous on him), and he has the prescence that Hornblower needs.
Several years after being introduced to the mini-series (and being scarred for life during the shower scene of Mutiny), I actually sat down and started reading the books. The books themselves are brilliant; the huge battle scene in Beat To Quarters is fantastic. I've read them all, including the unfinished one where Horatio becomes a spy, and a full-length biography of the character (written by a completely different author and played straight), and I've imagined Ioan in it all the way.
Part of the reason I'm so pissed at A&E's canceling the series is because they were just getting to the good part. If they'd made a fourth series, we would have either seen Horatio being a spy (no doubt generating James Bond style Fanfiction), or Horatio leading Nelson's funeral procession, then going treasure-hunting. Both plot lines are ridiculously awesome and would have been a lot of fun to see. Instead, we're stuck with Maria perpetually pregnant and Horatio in a loveless marriage.
The Hornblower Series, in addition to giving me a massive obsession with Ioan, also inspired a love of all things French-Rev. I've taken to reading biographies of Marie Antoinette and Josephine, developed a love of sword-fighting and now take fencing, and when I'm in a thrift store, I'm always looking for anything that looks remotely French-Rev-ish. There's a reason one of the things on my "list of things to do before I die" is to climb the rigging of a wooden ship.
I've always been the romantic sort; even when I was a kid, I would develop crushes on characters. It all changed when Ioan showed up. Where my other crushes lasted for a few months, this one has gone on for years and has led to plenty of fangirl squee from myself.
Indications that I am a hardcore Ioanite:
*I have an entire folder on Word dedicated to pictures of Ioan.
*Of all the websites I've bookmarked, 12 have something to do with Hornblower or Ioan.
*The best Christmas present I ever got was a "Making of Horatio Hornblower" book.
*I often go to see his films in theaters on opening day, no matter how bad the reviews (W was an exception, as he was only in one scene).
*This journal.
Unfortunately, my fangirliness is also coupled with pure terror at actually communicating with the object of my affection. I wrote a letter to him around the time it came out he was going to play Reed. That letter has been editied at least twice, and is Still sitting in my hard-drive. I'm too nervous to send it to him, especially since odds are good that all I'd get is a form letter. I'd probably take off like a shot if he attended a convention or premiere near my area, but be too tongue-tied and shaky to actually be brave enough to walk up to him, much less ask for an autograph or a picture with him.
And this leads to the one I made up myself:
Complete Insanity
I grew up in a weird family, so it was only natural that I would inherit the weirdness. I was captioning pictures with silly things years before "I Can Has Cheezburger?" had been dreamed up. There's a reason most of my posts are tagged with "Randomness", after all.
I'm also liable to do odd things, such as attempt to write an entire comic book series (mentioned above), or attempt to create costumes out of things I find at thrift stores (among my sucesses are Alucard from Hellsing, a female Pink Panther, and Horatio Hornblower).
Generally, I act pretty normal, but there's a current of weirdness running through me, which I wouldn't trade for anything. Makes life more interesting.
That's all for now (and since I'm going on vacation, I'm not tagging any of you). But I'll post again later today with a fluff-piece that is long overdue.