Fic: What Lies Behind a Pretty Smile (Chapter 2)

Sep 06, 2013 20:26

Title: What Lies Behind a Pretty Smile (Chapter 2)
Author: Stef (io_amore_voi)
Pairings: Jensen/Jared, Past Jensen/OMC/ Past Jared OMC
Summary: Jensen finally found the perfect guy. He's gorgeous, smart, funny, romantic...more than Jensen could possibly dream. Still, he can't shake the feeling that he met Jared somewhere before, and, for reasons he can't explain, he finds himself fearing the man. He chalks it up to his own paranoia and dark past. Besides, as they say, what you don't know won't hurt you, right? Wrong.
Rating (of this chapter): PG-13
Warnings (for all parts):Gangs, near kidnap with the use of chloroform, sexual abuse (not childhood), domestic violence
Disclaimer: I do not know or own Jensen or Jared. Everyone and everything else is made up. This story is entirely fictional and I earn nothing for it.

Past Chapters

He was leaving the bar. It had been a long, tiring night, and all he wanted to do was get home and curl up in bed with his dog. He got outside. Closed the door. Then, he was being smothered by a soft, strange-smelling fabric.

Jensen gasped as he woke up, then let out a little scream. There was something on his face!

Tossing it on the ground, Jensen jumped up and spun, ready to fight. However, there was no one there. He was still in the break room of the convenience store, and the cloth over his face was just a wet, or, now, damp, washcloth meant to cool him down.

Laughing at how shaken up he had gotten, Jensen picked up the washcloth and put it in the bathroom sink, not really sure what else to do with it. He felt a little better than he had. Not much, but he felt he could at least drive.

When he walked back into the main part of the break room to leave, he noticed a basket sitting on the coffee table. There was a note on it that said, To Justin…or Jason…or whatever J.

Jensen laughed, shaking his head at the memory of the previous night. He’d told the guy-the creeper-about a hundred times that his name was Jensen. He didn’t know why that was so hard to remember.

Looking into the basket, Jensen found cold medicine, tissues, chicken noodle soup, chocolate and a get-well card.

“I didn’t go overboard, did I?”

Jensen turned, smiling at the guy who had left the gift.

“Actually, this looks wonderful. Thank you.”

“No problem. Feel better?”

“A little bit.”

“That’s good. Come here.”

The man stepped closer to Jensen, moving his hand slowly to his forehead. Jensen instinctively flinched, but didn’t move away. The guy only kept his hand there for a moment.

“You don’t feel as warm. Do you want me to make you your soup before you go home?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be working?”

“Actually, I got off about an hour ago.”

“Oh. Then what are you still doing here?”

“I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

Biting his lip to prevent himself from grinning like a fool, Jensen looked at the ground. Yes, he could take care of himself, but what he wouldn’t admit to anyone, not even himself most times, was that he liked being babied sometimes. Only a little.

“Oh, is chicken noodle soup okay?!” the guy asked urgently. “I debated between that and tomato, but sometimes when I’m sick, tomato soup makes my throat hurt worse, so I went for the chicken…”

“Chicken is fine,” Jensen assured him. “But I’m sure you want to get home.”

The man shrugged. “I have nothing else to do.”

Jensen thought about it for a minute. He didn’t want to appear needy, but he was weak, not having eaten all day, and the other guy seemed to genuinely want to help him out.

“Okay,” he finally caved. “But only if you’ll eat with me.”

“Sure. I love eating.”

While he began fixing the soup, Jensen took a seat back on the couch, not talking. His throat still hurt, but the man seemed to understand.

“So what’s your name?” Jensen finally asked once lunch (or, more accurately, dinner) was made and he took a seat at the table where the man had set the food.


“Jared. I’m Jensen.”

“Jensen. I like that.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Jensen went to take a bite of the hot soup, but paused. How did he know Jared hadn’t drugged it?

You’re being paranoid again.

Fighting through his anxiety, Jensen put the spoonful in his mouth. It tasted normal. It tasted really good, actually, so he ate it quickly. He seemed to feel a little better with each sip; much less weak and his throat barely hurt anymore.

“Do you want more?” Jared asked when he saw that his bowl was gone. Jensen almost said yes, but a little voice in his head warned him not to be a pig, so he said,

“No, thank you. It was delicious though.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

“I think this means you get another drink on the house.”

“Does it?” Jared asked with a smile. Jensen smiled back.

“Most definitely.”

“You don’t have to work tonight, do you?”

“No, thank God, but I’ll be there tomorrow if you want to stop by.”

Jensen shifted uncomfortably, afraid Jared was going to reject him, but the taller man smiled and said, “I’ll be there. Does around seven work?”

“Yep. That’s fine.”

“See you then. Try to get some rest and feel better.”

“I will. Thanks again.”

“No problem. Don’t forget your basket.”

Smiling, Jensen popped one of the chocolates in his mouth, then walked out, care package in tow.

By the next morning, he still wasn’t feeling one hundred percent, but he at least didn’t feel like death warmed over. He rested throughout the day, curled on the couch with Rocky, watching TV, until it was time for him to leave.

He was nervous. He knew it was lame. There was no reason for him to be nervous over seeing Jared again. He was literally only seeing him. Jared would probably get his drink, go home and forget Jensen ever existed, which, Jensen reminded himself, is what he should want. But, for some reason, it wasn’t what he wanted. Even though something about the other man made him uneasy, he felt himself wanting to spend more time with him.

When the clock showed that it was ten past minutes seven, Jensen figured Jared had changed his mind. He was disappointed, but it was probably for the best.  He was better off alone.

Even though that was true, it didn’t stop Jensen from grinning widely when he saw Jared enter the bar a couple minutes later.

“Hey,” the taller man said as he sat down at the same exact spot he’d been in the other night. “Sorry it’s a little past seven. One of the employees was a little late, so I couldn’t get out right away.”

“It’s okay,” Jensen replied, giving the man a smile. Jared smiled back.

“So how are you feeling?”


“Good. I was worried.”

Embarrassed, that made Jensen blush, and he ducked his head, hoping it wasn’t obvious. Either it wasn’t, or Jared was just kind enough not to say anything.

“So what do you want?” Jensen asked once he felt his face return to its normal color. “You can get anything.”

“Hm…surprise me. Nothing too strong this time, though. I want to be coherent so I can talk to you and not make an ass out of myself.”

“Hm…okay, got it.”

Hands moving quickly and gracefully, Jensen put together what he hoped would be the perfect concoction before setting the mug down in front of Jared.

“You know,” Jared said after he’d tasted it, “I think you should open your own bar. Your drinks are amazing.”

“Thanks, but I don’t think they’re anything special.”

“I think you’re wrong.”

“Well…thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Jensen’s attention was temporarily taken away from Jared as a few more people showed up and started ordering drinks, but when he finally turned back to him, he was waiting patiently.

“So tell me a little about yourself.”

“There’s not much to tell,” Jensen said, heart rate picking up. He was his least favorite topic, and, so far, it seemed like that was all he and Jared had been talking about. “Tell me something about you.”

“Me? Hm..okay, let me think.”

Jared bit his lip while he thought, and Jensen stared, not sure why it was so captivating, but it was. When Jared spoke again, Jensen’s eyes shot right back up to his face and he swallowed, embarrassed yet again. Still, Jared acted like he didn’t notice the man’s odd behavior.

“Hm…I got nothing,” he spoke.

“See? It’s hard isn’t it?”

Though, admittedly, the fact that Jared had nothing to say about himself frightened Jensen a little. The only reason he had said there wasn’t much to say about himself was because there was too much; none of which were likely to impress Jared, or anyone else for that matter.

“Okay, changing the subject, then,” Jared said.

“How’s med school?” Jensen asked.

“I’m not in actual med school yet,” Jared answered. “I just finished my second semester of college. I got a late start.”

“Nothing wrong with that,” Jensen told him. “At least you’re going.”

“That’s what I tell myself.”

“So what field do you want to go into?”

“Cancer research.”

“Holy shit. That’s awesome!”

It was Jared’s turn to look embarrassed that time. “I guess. Thanks.”

A beat of silence passed before Jared cleared his throat and changed the subject.

“So…um…I know you don’t date, so I’m not asking you out…I mean, you’re amazing, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime as…you know…friends.”


Jensen answered a little too fast, but he knew he had to get his reply out before he could think about it and change his mind. Jared smiled.

“Alright. Cool.”

Jared didn’t stay too much longer, but before he left, he and Jensen exchanged numbers. Jared’s mind was yelling at him all the way home, telling him how big of an idiot he was, and it wasn’t like he could really argue. He knew it would be best for him to stay far, far away from Jensen, but he liked him. He liked him a lot. Plus, he couldn’t shake the feeling that Jensen was lonely and needed someone. Or maybe that was Jared’s internal feelings reflecting themselves in others. Whatever. Jared still felt responsible for the other man’s well-being, no matter how inaccurate that was.

A few days went by and Jared heard nothing from Jensen. He wondered if maybe he hadn’t wanted to be rude and that was the only reason he said he would hang out. Then, a text from the other man woke Jared up at three in the morning. The message read an Earth-shattering, Suuuuuup?

With a little laugh, Jared rubbed his eyes, then sent back, Not much…you?

Just chillaxing.


Yes, sir. Fo sho.

You don’t happen to be drunk, do you?

Of course not! That’s blasphemy!

Jared laughed again.

I’m not a booty call, am I? ;)

No, just couldn’t get you off my mind.

That meant a lot more to Jared than it should have.

I’ve been thinking a lot about you too.

So when are we hanging out?

Whenever you want.

A few minutes passed and no reply came. Jared fell asleep soon, phone on his chest, waiting for it to vibrate.

It wasn’t until later that morning-9:02, to be exact-that it went off, again waking Jared up. It was another text message from Jensen.

Hey…I’m really sorry about last night.

No reason to apologize, Jared sent. Does that meant we’re not hanging out?

No, we are. Are you free tonight?

I am.

Cool. So, I don’t actually…hang out…a lot, so I don’t really know what we should do.

I don’t either, Jared admitted. So you pick. I don’t want to make it seem too date-y.

Brandon’s wife is throwing a birthday party for him tonight. Do you want to go?

Then, seemingly as an afterthought, Jensen sent, Brandon is my boss.

Sounds fun, Jared replied, not mentioning that accompanying the guy to a party was kind of date-y. Not that he minded, of course.

Meet you there?

That’s fine. Just give me the address, please. Also, what should I bring?

Jensen texted back to give him the address of the club the party would be held at and to tell him not to bring anything; just meet him around 10pm if he could. Jared said that he most certainly would and would be looking forward to it. Jensen sent back a simple smiley, but when Jared opened the message, he could see clearly in his mind’s eye Jensen’s beautiful smile.

Jensen hadn’t been this nervous in a while. Why had he thought it a good idea to invite Jared to a party which was in a club? Clubs were terrible places for people who didn’t want to get date raped, which was, hopefully, everybody.

Still, something in his mind tried to tell him that Jared wouldn’t do that; that, in reality, most people wouldn’t do that. Maybe Jensen’s real problem was that he had gone too long without letting someone touch him, and, when he had, he’d let the wrong man. Maybe a nice little fling would be good for him.

Or not, since just the thought of it nearly made him sick.

Nothing is going to happen, he told himself on the way to the nightclub. It was a very public place, and, besides, Brandon was really protective of him, like an older brother would be. Jensen hadn’t told Brandon everything that had happened to him in New York, but he guessed the older man filled in the blanks all on his own.

Jensen purposely got there twenty minutes until ten. He knew he’d be the only one there for the party for a few minutes, but he wanted to get there early so he wouldn’t arrive at the same time as Jared, just in case he was the type to kidnap men from parking lots.

Jesus Christ, why does this guy even want to hang out with you? Jensen chastised himself. You’re one fucked up dude.

Jensen was only at the club for about five minutes before Brandon and his wife, Michelle, showed up.

“Jensen!” the woman squealed excitedly, running over, big smile on her face. “I haven’t seen you in forever! How are you?”

“I’m good,” he told her, giving her the hug he knew she wanted. Michelle was a very touch-feely person, but always controlled her natural instincts around Jensen, knowing he hated being touched. “How are you?”

“I’m great! We miss you at game night!”

It used to be, every Thursday, Jensen would hang out and play games with the couple and a handful of their other friends, but Michelle’s brother had taken an unsettling liking to Jensen who, of course, wasn’t going to tell Michelle he stopped coming because her brother was a pervert, so he just made up excuses every Thursday until Brandon stopped inviting him. He told him the offer was always open and that he knew where to find them if he wanted to come. He still gave him every Thursday off, just in case.

“I thought you were bringing someone?” Brandon asked, looking over Jensen’s shoulder to see if he was hiding his guest.

“He’s meeting me here,” Jensen explained.

“Is it a boyfriend?!” Michelle asked, eyes glinting. Jensen laughed.

“No. Just a friend.”

At that instant, Jensen saw Jared a little ways in the distance, looking around.

“Actually, there he is. Excuse me,” he said, walking around the pair to get to the other man.

“Why isn’t he a boyfriend?! Whew!” he heard Michelle say from behind him, but he simply flashed a quick smile back, still heading towards Jared. When the taller man saw him walking towards him, he smiled widely, walking to meet him halfway.

“Hey,” he said. “I know I’m early, but I wasn’t exactly sure where this place was, and I didn’t want to be late.”

Jensen gave a smile, ashamed of how much that actually meant to him. It wasn’t like he was special or anything. Most people didn’t being late.

“It’s okay,” he finally said. “I’m early too. Obviously.”

Jared smiled again, then said, “Are you sure I wasn’t supposed to bring anything? I feel bad not getting the guy something for his birthday.”

“No, no one is bringing presents. You’re fine. Do you want to go meet them?”

“Of course.”

Turning on his heel, Jensen led Jared over to the other two, daring to feel that, just maybe, the night would be pretty good after all.

what lies behind a pretty smile, padackles, author:io_amore_voi, j2

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